Apr 19, 2009 00:52
There have been several interesting developments.
Well, for starters I made a trip to the dorms today. I'd been putting that off for too long. I was surprised at just how many of those rooms stand empty due to the unfortunate squirrel issue. Some of those rooms have been almost completely cleaned out! Why would anyone want to take anything from an average students domecile.... I imagine.. those missing items weren't anything too valuable...
The dorms are more convenient in terms of location. They are closer to the classrooms and all.. but it would seem like such a hassle to uproot everything and move at this point. At least I gave it some consideration.
In other news, I realized that the previously mentioned supplies weren't as low as I thought they were. Just... misplaced you could say.
I recieved a letter the other day but haven't had the chance to read it yet. I mentioned writing to someone before, and this is related to that. Then of course.. there's this circus that's been advertising around campus. Sounds like a perfect excuse for a little fun.. and this time I don't want to overthink the situation. Maybe after the downtime.... I can think more seriously about.... things.. or.. alternatives..persay.