May 28, 2006 06:17
And I can't sleep...
I hate it when Toby's gone away...
well that's what happens when you invest your soul in a person.
Not entirely sure if that's what I mean, but it feels right.
Strangely social week for me...saw Bill briefly Sunday...
saw Mike on Monday again and found out that
Super Monkey Ball = Super what the fuck...
at least on the playstation. The controls suck. Sidney says I should
get it for gamecube as the controls on it are perfect, and the playstation
version is just a sony thing.
I saw Sidney last night and I'll see him again today because I'm
seeking refuge at his house due to closing on Sunday night again. *sigh*
Oh won't be bad, it just means spending money... transit tickets,
maybe lunch, definitely dinner, maybe the arcade for awhile....
so I'm not outside with the beggars bothering me again.
On the upside, more Sidney and watching karekano. Yay!!
but oh God, I can't sleep... I don't know if I can make it...
I'll manage somehow... I always do.
I hope Toby had a good weekend. So many things I need to say to him, and only him...