music post~

Feb 21, 2008 21:52

I have some ground to cover since I cheesed out on the last song post. I'll start with the most disant and move to the present, kay?

PEACH by Otsuka Ai --Before I went to Chicago, I got hooked on the Hana Kimi drama, and after watching it all over the space of a few days, I got the ending theme song in my head. This has been renamed "VEET" at work. Don't ask.

Darkwave Surfer and Freeeze by Aural Vampire--After seeing DJ SiSeN in Chicago, I had a week or two where I craved a similar sound. This was the result. It was not a phase that Dave was thrilled with, but it was well received at work.

IIDK by Vidoll-- When I was in Johnstown last weekend, Dave said that if my ipod battery died, I could call him and he'd sing Vidoll songs to me. ^___^ This song made such a good impression oh him that he remembered the name of the band. That's serious. This is the man who can only visually identify Miyavi and Reita, and just recently broke himself of calling Reita "Rita". -__-;

Additional Cause for Sorrow by Deadman--Thanks to rudetuesday, I've fallen for deadman, particularly this song. Barbra, I really think you might like this song. Deep inside, though you may not admit it. :)

Shining by Girugämesh-- I should have listed this one two posts. I like most of the songs off this album, but Shining has more listens than any of the others. Although Dance Rock Night is close. Listening to them both now, I'm not sure which I like better. Both!

Orion by SID-- I love the title Sentimental Macchiato for an album. Maybe because hazelnut caramel macchiatos are my drink. And I love SID. Orion may not be the best song on the album, but it fulfills my cheese-factor needs. <3

GUREN by Gazette. I LOVE IT. LOOOOVE. And it has nothing to do with Uruha's lacy gloves and pirate boots. Let's just say that the last song I listened to this obsessively was Merry's Sweet Powder. Ruki's voice is particularly a;slkdjfsl and just.... Yes. I've listened to it so much in the past week, it's sad really.

And that's it!

Oh, saloma_lape, I was originally thinking of Guren as the song you'd like when we were talking, but I think you'd like the Girugamesh as well--it is rock though, so save it for your next cleaning venture! ;)


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