Well, now I can post my memoirs on the internet. It almost seems fitting, that I write online instead of in a real journal. But on my day...
I have decided that I will never, ever forgive father for sending me here to go to school. EVER.
The woman at the airport seemed to think that I was also a woman. In fact, many people seemed to think that I was female.
Is it the hair?
I've never really had to deal with peers criticizing my genetic traits. But now that I'm not being tutored I may have to. I'm going to high school with other people my age.
And I get to wear a uniform, for reasons which elude me. Perhaps it is to clarify that I am, indeed, male? If that is the case, it is a very good idea.
Why am I taking psychology, anyways?
Should I die my hair some colour other than its natural pink? To elude possible taunting and misconceptions on my gender? I must look into this...