May 30, 2008 20:56
Trying not be a whiny emo bitch.. but I think it might come across that way.. maybe.. just a little.
I just need to change my name and move to another country.. get a menial job and make no friends whatsoever.. just a redo, as it were.. I'm tired of drama and I am tired of being a middle man. They say "Don't shoot the messenger". But he is usually the first person hurt or killed..
"What? Bad news? FUCK YOU!" *blam* done.
I really don't like me right now. Not that I ever really have.. just seems compounded all of a sudden. I feel like someone is rolling a huge Katamari ball in a fecal processing plant and I was the starting piece... just roll me up in a huge pile of shit and then for good measure, light it on fire and then when it finally gets to me and right before I die they piss me out.
I really shouldn't complain that much.. just being whiny cuz I am tired of working and all the drama that comes with it. My life isn't going all that bad.. except one small token piece of information that I really don't want to divulge right now.. perhaps later.
I just want things to be simple again.