Mar 24, 2010 21:28
I can finally go back to work tomorrow. I'll be on Day Shift for at least 2 weeks.
My left foot has completely healed, as far as I can tell. There is some stiffness in the ankle, but I expect that is simply due to a relative lack of use the last three months. My right foot is still a bit swollen, and its still a bit painful if I walk on it for longer than a few minutes. However, I think that by the middle of April it will also be completely healed. I am hoping the doctor will take off the work restrictions after my next appointment. However, I would not be too surprised if he decided to extend the restrictions a while longer.
I am working at the dojo to strengthen my ankles as much as I can. I am also starting to take longer, and longer walks. I am trying to use the cane less, as well.
Lately, I have been watching episodes of the American version of "Whose Line Is It Anyways". I really enjoy it, and I missing my old improv days. Unfortunately, the group basically broke up. I am debating seeing if I can form another group.
In April, I will be able to start regular karate training again, as well as going back to the gym. More than anything else, I am growing impatient to get into a proper training schedule again. My accident occurred less than a week before I would have started training again. It put my training on hold. It also prevented me from starting to work with Cadets Canada. I will have to talk to my sister again, about setting that up. Once, I am back into the rhythm of training again, I will talk to her.
With the weather warming up again, I find that my planned cruise for next year isn't often far from my mind. It will be good to get that set up as well.