Back to school

Sep 12, 2004 16:42

So it's back to school. Last week on Tuesday was the first day of school. I was happy to go back thinking that things would go back to normal. But wow everything has really changed. My classes aren't that bad I have algebra than gym(I hate my gym class theres no one in there that I know) than chemistry than lunch(even though lunch is basicly breakfast) than french2(The freshman no more than I do which is sad) than I have english than art and than History and of course 9th period is colorgaurd/study hall. This year it's weird because theres two different band periods it's 7th and than 9th. 7th period is all the freshman and bad players and than 9th is all the good people in band. So some people I don't get to see 9th period but band finaly gets after school practice this year so I get to see other people. But im starting to adjust to eveything. I just need to realize things are different and theres not much I can do.

Well this year it's totaly different with band and colorgaurd. Colorgaurd has practice until 4:30. And it makes such a long day because after practice I go home shower do homework and than eat and than finish homework and by than im just so tired. It just seems like I dont have any time off during the week. And now band has practice after school to on some days. I can't believe they complain about it because they really shouldn't they need the practice more than color gaurd and drill team. And so this weekend we had are first football game on saturday. So friday the rifle line got new rifles, they were different from are old ones and were very light. After 4:30 practice I went over my captains house to tape the new rifles well that took a good hour and they did look good when they were done. The next day the game was at 11 but we had to be there at 8 for extra practice so the rifles practice out back and one girl dropped her rifle and broke it in half but it was already cracked earlier because it was dropped in the band room. So we told the assistant advisor about it and she got the other new rifle and started to tape that one. Well than some one else dropped there rifle and that broke in half. So the advisor got a good idea that we would tape up all the practice rifles before half time but that didnt work out because we just didnt have enough time before than to do it. So we performed number one and than number two we stood with the two rifles not broken and the three captain savors. It sucked so much.
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