Obligatory Update Post #1,000,000

Jun 17, 2010 00:25

Right off the bat lets get some goodish bad news out of the way!
So I'm not sure if anyone besides runeyhag  knows that I've been living with my boyfriend since October.
Normally that would be a good thing right? Well not when you're jobless for the first six months and the whole thing was supposed to be temporary. Needless to say its been nine months and I'm finally moving out. This Sunday I'll be off for two days in a row and I'll be moving in with a couple of friends. I'll be closer to my job and closer to a couple dozen places I could apply for a second/replacement job. Also its close enough to the bars to make life a little sweeter.
What is bad about this you ask?
There is no internet in the apartment I'm moving into.....

BUT I'm saving up for a wi-fi laptop and even if I can't get internet in the apartment I'm right down the road from Barnes & Noble!
So I'll have to get dressed to be a lazy internet bum but it'll still be doable.
This just means that unless I want to spend all my time waiting for a computer at the library I won't be on much at all.
I'm going to see how things go before I drop the muses I have at the moment....hopefully it wont come to that.
*crosses fingers*

There is an upside to this though!
........besides being out from under my boyfriend's thumb.....
I'll still have my dinosaur desktop pc and I still have gimp and notepad so until I'm able to get online I'm going to write and make icons. I think that being forced to pull my head out of the internet will force me into a creative period.
Maybe I'll even be able to draw more!

Which segways nicely into the other thing I wanted to update about!

Ok so almost all of my art is in some stage of wipdom but I have three in particular that I'm actually considering WIP's. Two of which I've actually come back to since the initial inspiration caught me and I bent over them for hours. Usually, like in the case of the third piece, I get a stroke of genius and sit hunched over my clip board for HOURS until I get a cramp or get frustrated or overwhelmed by the shear amount of detail I've signed myself up for and decide to put it away for the evening and then never pick it back up.

This is bad but whatchya gonna do right?

But I digress........TWO of my three pieces have been worked on since I last posted them and I'm quite fucking proud if I do say so myself (which I obviously do ^^) and now for your viewing pleasure....

{click for full size}

~ original image ~

{click for full size}

~ original image ~

P.S. There are a few people I've recently come into contact with here at livejournal that have made my smile a little brighter and my lunch breaks a little more osm.


I love you all! Don't ever stop being fabulous!

paradeis, shinee, fanart, wip, update

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