Is this much stress normal or is my life spinning out of control?

May 02, 2010 20:51

So some updates........

One of my coworkers was injured on Thursday evening and had to have a metal plate put into her pelvis and a screw in her tailbone. The worst part is that she's always been an athlete and the incident was directly caused by one of the highschool students she coaches. My heart goes out to her as she waits to be discharged and begin physical therapy, however as a direct result of this incident and the sudden disapearence of another girl at my job my shitty part time job has become a shitty full time job. I'be worked six days this week from open to close and haven't had a single minute to my fucking self. I haven't read a single fic, watched a single video....I haven't even had a spare moment to download Gummy's new album which I'm DYING TO HEAR!!!

In other news my boyfriend and I, who is supporting me for all intents and purposes, have been flip-flopping between together and separated over the last few weeks and are still in flux.

My skateboard is also broken and because of my new work schedule I still haven't had the time to fix the damn thing.

What else.......

Oh as part of my ex/boyfriend issues I had to pull out of the last round of kpop20in20 I really wish I could be mad at him but oh well. You see...he still feels that I'm cheating on him with the computer and all my fanatical kpop pursuits and when we started fighting last time I was told to stay 'the fuck off' of his computer. So needless to say I was unable to finish more than half of my Sandara Icons. I have the in-prog table posted here. I'm now unable to re-enter for two rounds but maybe its for the best hmm?

My life is starting to get a little crazy and I'm pretty fucking stressed out.


Saturday night I gave myself a real treat...
I took myself to Love Sushi and had a philly roll, bulgogi, three Sapparo's and green tea ice cream. Including tip my bill was roughly $30 but it was so fucking worth it I could have fainted.

In conclusion....I'm over-worked, under paid, stressed out, and if all goes well I will be in my own apartment rooming with my very best friend by the end of June.

fml, bitching, ranting, update

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