See previous post >.

Sep 14, 2010 10:54

Fuck you character limit i guess ill just post twice! Lkijuhygtfrdfrgthyju
so yeah i pulled out my cpu and just start pushing every plug in as hard as i can and i can here it clicking and whirring the whole time. Then one cord nere the top as soon as i touched it sounded weired so i crammed it in as hard as i could and idk i guess it sounded better so i restarted the computer.
One of those weird dos looking screens came up with a bunch of shit i didnt understand and it said f1 for setup and f2 to continue or something at the bottem.
I have a vauge recolection of how worthless that setup menu is so i hit f2 and then it kinda looks like its loading but its taking way longer than normal and im flipping out!
Im just sitting there waiting. Thinking the worst 'omfg everything is gone all my fic wips i just started all my rp logs all my icons all my pictures all my drawings all my textures all my brushes!' i was litterally sweating! But it loaded and everything is fine. Fml im going to bed!
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