Apr 25, 2011 22:05

Player Information

Name: kiwi
Age: 24
AIM SN: hiyokugetsumei
email: otto [dot] octavius [at] gmail [dot] com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? yes.
Currrently Played Characters: naw.
Conditional: Activity Check Link: nope.

Character Information

Canon Source: Mass Effect
Canon Format: Video games
Character's Name: CDR Kaidan Alenko
Character's Age: 34 years old

What form will your character's NV take? An Omni-tool

Character's Canon Abilities:
Kaidan is a L2 biotic Sentinel. Despite being an L2, his powers frequently spike well above an L3s, though it's unknown how he stacks up to the most recent wave of implants. Doesn't matter much as either way, Kaidan can pack a punch with his mind.

In Mass Effect's universe, a Biotic is a person of any race with telekinetic abilities. These abilities are then boosted with an amp that's implanted in the brain. Kaidan has an L2 amp- a highly controversial version of human amplifiers. In some cases it causes brain damage and turns their users into vegetables- Kaidan is just lucky it gives him wicked migraines every now and then. In return he can harness his already innate abilities. This consists of some basic attacks like Throw- which, predictably, throws an object or person- or Lift which, of course!, lifts up an enemy or object and slams it back onto the ground. He can also Stasis enemies, which freezes them in place for a short period of time. Besides offensive capabilities, it also allows Kaidan to put up a kinetic barrier that deflects nearly everything up to a certain threshold. After that, he needs a minute to get it back up [and your inappropriate jokes are not appreciated.]

Besides this, Kaidan is pretty decent at decryption which lets him get through electronic doors and get into your electronic piggy bank. Kaidan also had a good handle on battle first aid and a rudimentary knowledge on medicine. He'd no doctor, certainly, but he can treat bullet wounds and set limbs and a number of other useful skills that certainly come in handy when you're fighting a war.

Since he's become a Staff Commander in the past two years, it's safe to say he has plenty of leadership experience under his belt- or at least way more than he'd had as a Lieutenant.

PISTOL & ASSAULT RIFLE - both run on thermal clips [goddamnit.] Nothing else on his person at the moment.

Character History:
His complete background can be found here! But since Mass Effect is run by player choices, we're going to hold the following to be true of his Shepard:

  • male shep
  • saved rachni queen
  • wrex is alive, kaidan is saved, ashley takes one for the team and dies on Virmire
  • saved the council
Events in Mass Effect 2 are not so important to Kaidan since they do not effect him, however let's assume no one died in the suicide mission and Shepard blew up the Collector base.

Point in Canon: Right after the events on Horizon in Mass Effect 2.

Character Personality:
If you want someone prone to spontaneous actions and feats of romance and desperation, you've got the wrong guy if you're looking at Kaidan. This is the kind of guy who thinks for about ten minutes before he decides if he wants milk and sugar in his coffee and at least another ten to figure out if he's really alright with his decision. Choices are not made lightly and when Kaidan gets stuck in a rut he is truly stuck in it. He needs to know the ups and downs of every choice and doesn't like to enter a situation that doesn't give him some kind of out. Even when on drastic, crazy missions he remains the voice of reason and tries to pipe in and insist they go for a saner option.

All this reservation can fly out of the window on occasion, however, and Kaidan can be downright excitable with the right stimulus. Shocking events have him prone to little outbursts [OH MY GOD!!] and he's been known to lose his cool on a few, rare instances- like breaking a Turian's neck in rage because he snapped a girl's arm. While Kaidan can be all cool collection, he can have flares of emotion from time to time- a real problem considering he's an L2 biotic, known for their flares of irrationality that leave people twisted as pretzels.

But Kaidan is normally an almost shy individual, one who needs prompting to share his opinions and even then isn't very keen on chatting your ear off. When pushed he'll get to the point and that's about all- and then he'll apologize for wasting your time. He's friendly toward his fellow squad-mates and seems to have good relations with them overall- evident in how he and Ashley seem to a playful, teasing relationship despite their rank difference. He'll engage in light banter when prompted [be it by his Commander or by a certain snarky pilot] and knows how to take a joke... most of the time. Kaidan can be a little grumpy when the joke is on him a few too many times and when he has headaches from his L2 implants then all bets are off. His usually calm demeanor leaves him and he doesn't particularly enjoy engaging in conversation during these times.

For being a human, Kaidan has shown a very non-xenophobic attitude- something of a rarity in Mass Effect's universe. He's come to realize after years among aliens that, really, they're no different from humans at all and disregarding their opinions won't do the human race any good in the long run. He respects how long other species have been traversing the vastness of space before humans even left their own tiny planet and can't adopt the view so many of his kind have that humans are entitled to some kind of special treatment. Even when he starts to express doubt in the Council- a organization with representatives from three of the biggest galatic communities [Asari, Turian, and Solarian]- he more has a problem with them failing to see common sense than their failure to believe a bunch of ragtag humans. He knows they need to earn their place in the universe and he intends to help them gain that.

He's been a part of the Alliance military for years now and it's not surprising that he plans to stay with them for many more. He is a dedicated and loyal soldier who follows orders with few questions but is far from having his own opinions. He's just a good boy in that he keeps his mouth shut. When given permission to speak freely Kaidan is full of all kinds of ideas on how the last mission went, how the crew feels about one another, and other potentially useful information. Training might keep him tight lipped and following orders but he's hardly a mindless little cog in the machine. If he didn't like the Alliance and what they stood for he wouldn't be there. It's a testament to how much he believes in the organization that he stays with it even when presented with the option of joining Shepard again- or maybe it's a testament to how much Kaidan doesn't trust Cerberus that it kept him from running off.

Character Plans:
Kaidan is the kind of guy who would learn more about the major ruling companies and also try to see everyone home. He's a sucker for people in a predicament and would probably start to work together with whatever group suited his opinions best to help pave a way back home. He had things to do at home and while he's sure this place is nice and all, he really needs to get back to them. I can also see Kaidan being interested in helping people who need escorts at night once he gets settled in, but we'll see how that goes.

Here's a bunch of icons of this sucker from ME2

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
[he squints at the feed for a moment before he is assured it's operational and nods. Kaidan doesn't look particularly upset, if a little out of place- perhaps the slightest bit confused. he's composed at least, all stiff regulation and formality for now. brown eyes regard his omni-tool calmly ]

This is Staff Commander Kaidan Alenko of the Alliance Military putting out an open call to anyone in the surrounding area for information on the current situation. I've been briefed by the locals on their version of events but if there are any other Alliance members in the area, I'd appreciate a sitrep ASAP.

[he doesn't shift or squirm, just clicks a few more things on his omni-tool like he'd checking for more data and not getting it- unsurprising, but you can't blame a man for trying.]

Thanks. Alenko out.

[and the feed cuts out]

Third Person Sample
Kaidan let out a loud, unflattering yelp as he tried to tuck into a roll while his body flipped in messy, uneven circles across the field. Another long series of oofs and umphs and his face collided with home plate where his body finally came to rest. Things felt sore- hell, everything felt sore- and Kaidan felt the very unfortunate urge to vomit. It was only through sheer determination that he didn't lose his lunch but he could feel the bile burn at the back of his throat and he had to grit his teeth to force it to stay there.

Not the most flattering landing but Kaidan wasn't unused to being thrown around. He rolled onto his back and let out a pained groan while his fingers checked his face for any broken bones. When he came up clean he let his survival instincts kick in. He fought against the nauseated, unbalanced feeling that hummed loud in his veins as he pushed up to get a look at his surroundings. He'd only been walking back to the ship that had been ready to take him away from Horizon- far away from Horizon if he had any say in it, wanted to get as far away from where he'd last seen Shepard- when he'd felt something godawful in his gut. A terrible pull that had him weak in the knees and left his mind reeling. He got the feeling it had to be what it felt like to go through a mass relay without a ship- a sharp yank to destinations unknown.

And unknown it was. The area looked vaguely familiar in that he'd seen others like it, but never in person. Not having spent his childhood playing baseball or anything like it he could hardly say he had personal experience with diamonds but he knew one when he saw it. He took his pistol from its holster on his back and made sure a fresh thermal clip was loaded before he started his cautious exploration. It was daytime, thankfully, which didn't leave much to the imagination. There were guards not far from his position who looked human but their uniforms weren't from any military group or corporation he recognized.

Unusual. No sign of any other species' in the area but that didn't need to mean anything. He lowered his weapon to make sure they knew he meant no hostility, even as he winced in the glare of the sun. Whatever had brought him here had given him one hell of a headache and Kaidan could feel the start of a massive migraine begin to throb behind his temples.

Years of beaten-in protocol had him polite as he finally reached the people guarding the dugout even while he felt miserable. He swore if he looked down he'd finally lose his stomach so instead he grit his teeth and gave the humans an uneasy smile. "Anyone want to tell me just where I've landed?"

It wasn't as if this day could get any worse.

ooc, app

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