Oct 29, 2004 11:01
:::Wut it do eerybody, juss a lil xplainin of the past couple days...Juss been doin the school thing, been aigght...Got some bigger assignments due nexx week unfortunately...Lass night blew tho...Got to play ball which was good, but my knee semi came outta socket so that was fun...So I go home n take a shower, get out n I got a headache...great...So I go downsturrs cause Phlip's boy Keon is up hurr from SD n we decide to go get some In-n-Out, and on the way there I lost my ticket virginity thanxx to poor decision making by doin 62 on Shaw (40 mph speed limit)...But i's whatever I deserved it n today's a new day...We're prolly gonna hit up Rio 2night n hopefully my headache is gone before that...I dont' got much else to say bout my personal life, but I would like to touch base on a few political things...I'm from a liberal left-wing Bay Area, n I've noticed that out here in Fresno, there are soooooooooo many Republicans w/ Bush/Cheney stickers on their window...I'm tryin my best not to offend anyone out hurr but everytime I ask somebody why they vote for Bush they fumble out a different answer...I juss feel like since there are so many people in the Central Valley, mostly working-middle class, huge business ag producers,and to be honest plaenty of different races mostly Chicano-Americans, I would see clearly that Bush wouldn't be re-elected...Maybe it's juss me but this has prolly been the biggest change yet movin out here...I'm now a minority in race as well political party...There's even a Republican group on campus that showed Fahrenheit 9/11 n tried to make excuses on why Michael Moore would make such a documentary...The funny thing is it's the truth...So here it goes, Bush has been false ever since he began...the re-count in Florida, the false reason for going into Iraq n Afghanistan (oil IS the real reason as there still is political unrest in the Middle East as there will be for eternity, and as Cheney is the President of a major oil company as well)...aAlthough he did promise a huge tax return n I can't argue cash is always nice in my poccet, but what about the net loss in American jobs, thos ejobs in whcih he promised to create??? That's the first time that has happened in 70 YEARS...What about stem cell research??? Not funding simply the most important issue in science, possibly the closest thing to a cure for hundreds of diseases, cmon now...First he said he was completely against it, but now that elections are close he's GOING AGAINST HIS OWN WORDS...If none of these issues get your attention, I know a lot of my friends who will possibly read this are either in or thinking about goin to college and after how hard it is to get in w/grades n SATs, you think of how difficult is to pay for it...Bush claimed he funded $1 million in Cal Grants, which he did I'll give him credit, but what about the thousands of dollars in tuition increase??? At this rate, I'm goin to a Cal State, which is assumed to be a cheap n easy way to go to school, but cheap is now outta the picture, I'ma be payin off tuition for at least 20 years of my life through loans...Lemme apologize for lookin at you sideways when I ask "Who are you voting for this election?" and you reply with "Bush," but if you did exercise your right to learn n research your presidential candidates, you might re-think your process...Personally, I have chosen not to vote simply because well we all know how I feel about Bush now, but Kerry was very indecisive until AFTER the deadline for registration, and that shouldn't be an excuse because I still could have registered, n I deeply regret not registering...So in turn, I feel like I should educate some folks on wha'ss really goin down with some issues n I HATE BEIN NEGATIVE, if u all know me you know I'm not a negative person n it hurts to put this up here, but i guess the truth hurts then...So comment, say whatchu gotta say, vote how you gonna vote, juss don't argue with me cause the argument will do us no good...I'm done for now that was a lot to put out...Catch me nexx time same bat time same bat channel...screem at me...Gone:::