The Parking Lot, Fandom Island, Saturday Afternoon

May 28, 2016 13:32

"Yes Ana I made it just fine. My memory's not that bad yet. See, I even remembered your cell phone number."

After reassuring his oldest daughter of his safe arrival, Billy leaned against the rental and gazed with fond nostalgia at the town before him. He idly wondered if while he was here he'd forget a couple decades and think he was late for class or something.

The long term side effects of being repeatedly subjected to the Brain Wave Scanner were only now becoming apparent. Eventually, unless a more succesfull treatment could be found, he might need full time care like Storm Shadow, Zartan and the Baroness. But for now he was still mentally competent enough to both drive, and travel on his own. Anastasia was just being overly cautious.

But enough worrying! He was back, and...well who knew if he'd recognize anyone here?
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