United States of Cobra-La

May 02, 2015 19:34

In 1983, Cobra conquered the world using a teleportation device. Though G.I. Joe and the conventional military fought bravely, in the end they were reduced to an underground resistance that was eventually stamped out.

Until a handful of Joes came out of hiding and with the Baroness help sowed the seeds of discord between Cobra Commander and Destro. They had hoped that the Cobra Civil War would leave both sides too weak to stop a true revolution from freeing the world from their control.

What they hadn't counted on was that neither Cobra Commander or Destro were their own masters. While their conflict began with conventional weapons, Cobra Commander's true allegiance to the nation of Cobra-La was revealed when he summoned reinforcements. Destro retaliated by calling upon the Great Old Ones, to whom his family owed fealty, for aid.

In the face of this new hellish threat Cobra-La, having lost Cobra Commander to madness and then death, saw no choice but to ally with the human race they had sent the man to conquer in the first place.

Golobulus commissioned the scientist Dr. Mindbender to use cloning and genetic engineering to create a new leader for their forces. One who could inspire as well as conquer. Using the combined DNA's of Sun Tzu, William Wallace, Geronimo, Pancho Villa, George Washington, Patton, Churchill Vlad Tepes and others, he created Serpentor.

Under Serpentor's leadership, a new team of Joes was recruited, and together they wrested the entire American continent from Destro and the Old Ones' control. But Europe, Africa and much of Asia still remained lost.

"It is not...a perfect world." the Baroness sighed. "The US is not truly a republic, but neither is it the fascist dictatorship we feared would result."

"The closest comparison I can make," Steeler said, "Is Imperial Rome. There's one guy in charge, but there's still a senate, and citizens have a lot of freedom."

"The reason we're willing to give you the benefit of the doubt," his wife continued, "Is because the handful of Joes that emerged from hiding were in fact from an alternate world themselves."

At that moment, Shipwreck, Scarlet, and Zartan were led into the room. There were some awkward stares.

"And there's some more proof." Steeler said softly. "Three faces I never thought I'd see again."

"You two were never confirmed dead." Baroness said, pointing to Scarlet and Shipwreck. "But you, I killed you myself."

Zartan smirked.

"Are you a good guy in their world?" Steeler demanded.

"It's a bit more complicated than that where we're from." Billy told him.
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