(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 02:14

Yet another year tacked onto the enternal mystery that is my life, and seeing that I live in moments I thought I'd take one to mention those from the past year that will never be forgotten. They may not all be grand in scale, huge in importance, or fascinating to talk of...but in some individual way they will always be with me.  So to all of you who understand even a part of any of the following, thanks, for making a moment, or a million, that helped make up this year.

my squish, summer, starry nights, phone calls over the pond, pool with the guys, "wait this isn't the appropriate music for this!", crazy moments in assorted english classes, dijon, walks in french parks, pizza vito, tossing strawberries at dogs, pittsburgh, car shows, walking down spring street singing 'faded' while eatting cotton candy, poker, movie night, walks, "don't fall asleep because you will be woken and removed by force," sunday brunch at kona's, wine and movies, the future house, girlfriends that are forever, close encounters of the uptown kind, my "big sis," marquette roadtrips, not everyone likes sugar-free jello, crazy french dance music, panache pong, upside down margarita's, part deux, boston, the infamous water pitcher, au bon pain like everyday, Giavanna, massages, back to the motherland, tiramisu, struck by lightning, harvard, late night starbucks, pita pit, kareoke and dancing in the deli, pool, scaring people's brothers, phone calls at any hour of the day, chicago-anytime, christmas cookies, that 70's show, skiing, the hillbilly dentist/the hillbilly mouth, salad shaking, amazing auroras on a beach, the re-education of lauren wegemer, model un, dancing, sitting by the sundial, "i like food," thanksgiving dinner, 9 hrs straight of election results with a republican, the dinosaur in the carribean, unnatural thoughts towards (technically) inanimate objects, what?, british family lineage, driving nowhere and everywhere at the same time, dirty pirate hooker, celebrating for any reason available

yeah there's more i know, but i want some sleep tonight (at least a little,) so expect more updates in it later on!  G'night everyone, don't be strangers!

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