Driving me CRAZY

Nov 29, 2004 10:06

They say that Thanksgiving week is the busiest travel time of the year, and that the most cars are out on the road that Thursday and Sunday than any other day...not only do I agree, but I think that this year they all decided that they could drive AT MOST 10mph under any given speed limit, and that they would all be on the highways that make up my drive back to Miami. As you all should know by now, I love driving, this is definitely the first time ever i have seriously just wanted a tank to start going over the traffic instead of waiting to get through it. Much thanks to Nic, who let me crash at her place near Purdue, because it had taken me over five and a half hours to get there from Geneva, which is more time than it usually takes me to get to Miami altogether (yikes!!!) After a swift three hour drive this morning I was finally back at Miami, talk about a long return trip. A small set of requests and recommendations to all those drivers out there who may not commonly traverse the expanse of highways we have in this country (all of which deal with things I experiences yesterday):
1) If you are going slower than me, please move out of the left lane, you do not belong there.
2) If you drive any form of vehicle that could be qualified as a sports car, kindly refrain from driving in front of me as though you are an 80 year old from a Florida retirement home and then proceed to glare at me as though I am the spawn of satan when I finally pass you.
3) If you are the first in a long line of cars resist all urges to stop to gawk at any given accident because all hope to get anywhere in a timely fashion will then be lost for every other car behind you who is either stupid enough to follow suit, or sadly stuck there against their will.
4) Being stubborn and not letting the person behind you pass is annoying, being stubborn and not letting the ambulance pass you is pathetic and stupid.
5) When moving at speeds of 65 and up, it does not make those around you feel very safe when you are driving with a map firmly situated on your steering wheel and changing lanes every two minutes.
6) A sign that says "Construction Ahead" does not translate to "beginning driving 25mph for no reason other than you think you're going to have to in a minute anyways," this is how pointless traffic gets started in the first place.
7) I hold all rights to suddenly slow down at random moments at any given point in time if you are trying to fit your car in my trunk, there's enough stuff in it already, you won't fit trust me, so back off!
That said it's off to another week of mounds of papers and tons of MUN stuff to do, but hey, Christmas is less than a month away, so this isn't gonna be that hard to deal with!
Oh and a specific reason for everyone to say hi at some point, I did MASSIVE baking over break which I brought back with me, so if you want a cookie or something along those lines, I'm your girl!
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