Sooooooooo much going on lately...sorry for not updating!
The quick version, since I'm STILL cleaning(1-20):
1.Doug came back
2.This guy Ben is exactly like me
3. This all means im a bit confused
4.Especially because I like someone
5. And I have a wonderful gf.
6. Brit. is adorable when she's shy
7. The judges at the battle of the bands sucked, Brain's band rocked majorly, so did the guys who won.
8.I want to go to the Johnny Bodacious concert on the 27th...but we're going to ND....Will someone go for me?
9. I want Johnny Bodacious cds!
10. Brian looked so cute on stage! especially with the cheese comment!
11. Mishy is my smexy smexy lover!
12. Jaz and Aim are going out
13. I coulda gone out to my dads, they cancelled my riding lessons
14. I've been trapped in the house cleaning!
15. I'm in the mood to cuddle!
16. I'm going to start making Bonsai plants!
17. I'm figuring out what I want in life/love.
18. I've been having really fucked up dreams..
19. I want golden leg shackles..
20. Cody W. was at the battle..He was such a doof...a cute one..but still!
I'm going to go back to cleaning now! SOmeone PLEASE gimmie sumthing to do when im done!!!!!!!!!!
*kiss and hugs*
Brain, yet again, Good job!
*dances away, singing to anberlin*
ps. Click
HERE! please?