but i dont care
name : jessica lynne buhler
nicknames :
sex : vagina
birthday : august 20 fourth
place of birth : newro
current residence: carmel/north salem
hair colour : black... eek
natrul hair color : dark brown
height : 5'4" maybe 5'3" and a half... im taller then people. its fun... im not used to it.
writing hand : right
were kissed or kissed someone : yesterday *sniff* rich wasn't in school today
had sex : 19 days ago
watched bambi: about a year and a half ago
cried : 5 minutes ago....
talked on the phone : last night
read a book : yedderday around 4-ish
Mascara? yes
Eyeliner? yup
Push up bras? honestly i dont know the difference... i might?
Scented clothes? um... i make my clothes sented, they dont come that way...
Blow driers? yes, they make good earings!
Hairspray? only cuz we're dumb and dont buy gel, but rarely
Nail polish? yes. but only chipped nail polish
Foundation? no.
Lip stick? once in an orange moon
Lip gloss? see above
Breath mints? yes, i wear breath mints.
Eye shadow? no, once and a while i'll smudge some eyeliner above my lids and make them darker or greeny... haha greeny jess... d/a long story
Lipliners? no.
Contacts? no.
What color? Brown.
Do you like dark eyes? yes... but i like blue ones better
Long lashes? only on my right eye
What makes a pretty eye? when they're blue or lined
Full? kinda?
Small? maybe?
Huge? no
Normal? sure
Small upper lip? niente... i dont know what that means, it means some sort of no, so NO!
[Do you]
- smoke?: no
- do drugs?: no, and yay for tors answer (she quit) i love tor
- drink?: havint in a LOOOONG time, but i dont have a problem with it
- have sex?: when i can.
- have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes.
- have a dream that keeps coming back?: i actually havint had it in a while, i used to.
- play an instrument?: i like to play piano, and i did play violin, im nothing great with either....
- believe there is life on other planets?: meow?
- read the newspaper?: no.
- have any gay or lesbian friends?: many bi friends, and i think i have lesbian friends who dont want to tell me... they scare me sometimes... i wish they'd just admit it, its less creepy.
- believe in miracles?: yes.
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: my answer for this question would take much to long to type, and explain so i say blank, okay next question
- consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes... sometimes more than i should be...
- consider police a friend or foe?: ew
- have a favourite Stooge?: i wish i knew what a stooge was
- believe in Astrology?: somewhat
- believe in magic?: another one of those questions that i would give a much too detailed answer that no one cares about and i dont care enough to write.
- go to church?: like once a year, and i dont have a religion.
- have any secrets?: no... there's atleast one person who knows everything about me.
- have any pets?: furby is my only pet living in the same house as me, and aside from him all i have is my buddy, but she lives with the amazing gauvins... i miss her, and mystic, he ran away from the gauvins house, and most of all i miss bailey. :(
- go to or plan to go to college? i will, dont particularly want to but i will.
- talk to strangers who instant message you?: sometimes...
- wear hats?: gotta love the anual (sp?) santa hat
- have any piercings?: ears.
- have any tattoos?: no.
- hate yourself?: no!
- have a "hot spot"?: yup.
- wish on stars?: yes
- like your handwriting?: some of them, i have like 6 or 7 different ones, my hands decide which ones i write with, it sucks.
- have any bad habits?: Yes...
- believe in witches?: yes... not gunna explain, just know that i dont mean the green ones with warts
- believe in Satan?: not sure
- believe in ghosts?: yup
- believe in Santa?: hello, he's my huuuuuusband (said the way ghetto people say it)
- believe in the Easter Bunny?: i miss him
- believe in the Tooth Fairy?: stupid dad ruinned that one for me
- have a second family?: kelly's, used to be jess's, and sorta rich's... the dumpster kids are my family
- trust others easily?: too easily
- like sarcasm?: sometimes... some people are always sarcastic and thats just gay
- kiss with your eyes closed?: yes, the best things in life are felt not seen
- sing in the shower?: uh yah
[Bathroom Stuff]
Do you like to shower, or take a bath?: shower shower
Do you use shower/bath gel or just regular soap?: i like shower jel a lot better but my parents must have something against it because it can not be found in my shower... bar soap makes my skin go ch ch ch... (its like edgy) i cant explain it
When at a friend/stranger's house, do you sometimes feel weird about going to the bathroom?: no.... wtf?
Do you shave?: yes.
How long does it take you to shower?: 15 minutes to an hour... sometimes i forget where i am cuz i get caught up in singing... atleast i dont pretend im standing in the rain outside leonardo dicaprio's house anymore
Conditioner? Or just Shampoo?: both... i love conditioner... i only started using it about a year ago... it makes it so i can do that whole run my fingers through my hair thing, keeps it from too many knots...
[This or That]
Golf or Football?: Football.
Baseball or Hockey?: Baseball
Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads?: all 3
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream or Cappucino?: oh my god.... i guesss... mint chapucino
AOL or Death?: sry but aol...
Person you felt most comfortable with/talking to?: < i dont get why theres a shlash... but with rich talking to chelsea and jess
Person you'd have a sleepover with?: everyone, all my friends.... but it always seemed like a sleep over with fat kevin would be fun... (he's definately secretly gay)
Person you'd fight a rabid dog for?: i woudn't fight it, i'd put it in a cage and bring it home and teach it to be nice.
Favorite color?: red
Favorite Tv Show?: degrassi and gilmore girls
Favorite present you gave someone?: meow? i dont know... i cant remember everything...
Have you ever been in love before?: yes
Age ain't nothin but a number?: i live by it.
Do you believe in 'internet' relationships?: haha beleive in them? i've honestly had a few, and im sorry to say that there's just no pleasure in it.
Do you believe in 'waiting for what you want'?: is it weird that im really confused by that? if im thinking the right way, i think when you want something you should go for it... even though i never do that, its still what i think.
Do you believe in love at first sight? not really
Do you believe in "everything happens for a reason": no
that was dumb... but i miss taking dumb quizes