Dec 31, 2004 15:21
Number: 11
Color: pink & black
Place: home sweet home
State: california
Country: united states !
Book: not much of a reader
Game: DDR [[ dance dance revolution ]]
Drug: humm what are you tryinq to say ! im a druqqiee
Movie: old school ; american weddinq ; pirates of the carribean
Store: dont have 1 fave _ i just love the mall
Magazine: cosmopolitan _ teen people _ teen voque
CD: dont have one
Singer: i have many ! too many to list
Do You
Cut Yourself: maybe ..
Take meds you shouldn't: noo!
Lick yourself: ohh of course who doesnt ..
Whine alot: ehh sometimes
Yell alot: hell yeah
Hate alot of people: nahh not really
Have too many friends: you can never have TOO MANY friend _thats crazy talk
Want to die: sometimes
Believe in life after death: iono
Go to church: sometimes
Love school: i like school cos you see your friends
Have Sex: nope no popinq of my cherry thank you !
Smoke: no
Do Drugs: ohh yes _ hell no you fools
Wear dark clothes: sometimes
Try to be different: i dont try i just am
Have any piercings: yess my ears
Break bones: never have never will
Watch porn: noo
Dye your hair: yes hiqhliqhts
Have you ever
Kissed someone: yes =]
Had Sex: no
Attempted suicide: no.
Killed somoene: no way !
Been raped: hell no .. nothinq is qettinq in me
Shopped for condoms: nopee
Talked on the phone for over 3 hours: duhh of course
Left the country: no
Had a party with over 20 people: yeah !
Taken nude pictures: no
Taped yourself having sex: did i not tell you _ nothinq is qoinq in me !
Stolen something: nope
Ran away from home: tried _ did not suceed
Burned yourself: yes but not on purpose
Caught something on fire: yep _ whoops
Cheated on someone: yes =[ and im very asshamed
Wanted to cheat on someone: never !
Asked someone out: no im old fashioned
Been dumped: yes =/
Dumped someone: yes =/
Had a dream then the next day it happens: yeah ! creeepy shizz
Called a porn hotline: ha call 1-8OO-lOVE lmao anthony tafaro
Pick One
Cat/Dog: cat
White/Black: black
Hot/Cold: hot
Far/Near: near
Water/Land: water
Kiss/Sex: kiss
Online/Phone: online
Beer/Book: neither
Novel/Poetry: poetry
Music/Silence: music
Your Perfect mate
Short.Long Hair: humm .. depends
Tall/Short: a lil taller
Preppy.Dorky.Druggie: no druqqies but it really doesnt matter _ if i like him i like him
Freckles.No Freckles: once more i really dont care
Hair Color: ditto --------------^^
Fat.Thin: muscular no like huqe but thers no prob w/ a lil meat ;]
Makeup.No Makeup: noo makeup
Dressy.Casual: casual
Holding hands.Holding other body parts: holdinq hands
last person ..
You Touched: kevin obrien
You Talked to: letta
You Hugged: ricky
You Yelled @: my mom
You had sex: nobody
You made love with: nobody thats the same thinq as sex just sayinq it in a nicer way you retart
You told you loved: humm .. travis cos i forqot to call him back
You hung out with: letta ; qina ; plo ; kevin obrien ; ricky ; shane; john espiritu; jared z; and walter
Tell you they love you: pj cos he called me a lazy ass
Are you
Understanding: sometimes
Open-minded: yea
Arrogant: whattt ??
Insecure: yes
Interesting: i dont think so but iono
Hungry: always !
Smart: i think im stoopid as shit
Moody: deffinatly
Childish: immature [[ sometimes ]] .. lets put it that way
Hard working: not really it depends what im workinq for
Organized: sorta
Healthy: yesh
Emotionally Stable: not at all
Shy: in front of older ppl
Difficult: um yeah !
Bored: almost always
Messy: noo
Thirsty: yea
Responsible: yes
Obsessed: not riqht now ; but have been
Suicidal: sometimes
Horny: ohh yes ! all the time _ just liike shane he was born horny ;]
Cry baby: yeah
Happy: even when im not i always try to look it
Sad: usually always
Depressed: sometimes
Kissed your cousin:: yes ; like as a qreetinq sorta thinq you nasty bastard
Ran away:: tried
Wanted to tell somebody something, but just couldn't because of certain circumstances: ohh deffinatly _ like evryday
Skipped school:: ive faked sick a couple times and my alarm didnt qo of a couple times * wink wink *
Broken someone's heart:: thats what ive been told
Been in love:: ive liked some1 a lot ; its hard for ppl our aqe to be in love but it happens
Cried when someone died:: yes !
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have:: yes right now
Broken a bone:: nope
Done something embarrasing:: hasnt everyone *
Done a drug:: no
Cried in school:: yes
Sprite or 7UP:: 7up !! riqht qina and plo =]
Girls or Guys:: qirls ! we rock
Flowers or Candy:: flowers
Scruff or Clean shaved:: clean
Blondes or Brunettes:: both
Bitchy or Slutty:: i quess bitchy cos i hate sluts and im bitchy _ wait i dont like myself either. ok neither
Tall or Short:: short bitchez !
Pants or Shorts:: shorts
Night or Day:: night
What do you notice first:: HAiR lol katie <3 also eyes
Last person you slow danced with:: iono i think kevinB @ pine beach dance
Worst Question To Ask :: why did you and your ex qirlfriend breakup
Showered:: this morning
Stepped outside:: just before
Had Sex:: neverr you freaks !
Romantic memory:: i shall not tell
Your Good Luck Charm:: i dont have one _ otherwise i would have better luck you see
Person You Hate Most:: iim not mentioninq any names
Worst thing that ever happened to you:: Daniel Price movinq away. I miss you soo much ` you were my first best friend and i will never forqet you .. ever <3 love you
Best Thing That Has Happened to you:: qettinq patty ann nelson as my best friend ! i dont know what i would do without youu !
On your desk:: my cell phone my reqular phone maqazines and paper
Picture on your desktop:: a collaqe of all my friends
Can you talk to without getting sick of?:: patty
Makes you smile:: danP; plo; tkau; qinaA; kevinO ; rickyS; shaneL; mikeI
Can make you feel better no matter what:: all these ppl ^^
Has A Crush On You:: you tell me
Do You Have A Crush On Someone:: yes =]
Who has it easier? Guys or Girls?:: quys ! we have to shave and deal with the brakups and the bicthy sluts and what not. quys deff qot it easier
Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them:: DAN PRiCE
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night:: nopee im not that desparate here
Save AIM conversations:: sometimes if there qood ones
Save E-mails: yeppers
Forward secret E-mails:: no ; i hate fowards there soo qayy !
Wish you were someone else:: sometimess
love always vo <3