whooa time for an update!

Jul 10, 2005 19:42

WOWSERS!!I haven't updated in about..hmm 4 months.. so i think its time for me to start this thing up again. Heres whats been up:
I finally graduated and never have to see lahser kids again (unless it's willingly of course)
I have two jobs now, i started waitressing about a month ish ago, and i'm making fat money everyday.
I'M FINALLY SINGLE! yea it was dying...after 9 months, it can get that way. but we still buddies
I'm going to college soon, so i'm buying college dorm stuff like it's going outta style
How many crazzyy ass parties have i been to this summer so far?? like..at least 20. whooo
I've been seeing all my friends that i havent seen in forever..like will, sean, tim from belleville!! ahh all m old friends, even tho i have to drive to far away places to see them.
I got my first speeding ticket...oh man, i bet that cop felt like he was the shit, cuz he pulled over a chick with a radar. how stupid of me... meh
I tried out for Grand Valley's colorguard, not sure if i made it yet, but i did pretty well
hmm what else, oh yea its summertime...and the livins easy... so leave me a comment whatever. i dun care, maybe i should start updating more often?

Im out, gotta dinner date thing. peace

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