Sep 06, 2008 08:58
I have the flu. Arghhhh! Working 6 days in a row, 3 of them with school, and I feel like I'm on my beath bed already. :(
Anywho. I was supposed to get rid of 3 of my kittens today, but got called into work.. So now I'm stuck. I have no idea what I'm gonna do!Koa and Maka are freaking adorable though. Yay!
I can't believe I'm about to be done with school. That's sick! I haven't even found my externship site yet. Holy shit, I really better get on that! So David's at Ft Stewart now, and this is his last stop before he leaves. And who the hell knows when that will be. Sigh.
I made a new best friend! Her name is Holly. She's pretty much the shit. I think our only difference is that she doesn't like ketchup. Hahah. That's badass. Thank God, because Stephanie is really stupid. She pissed me off last night! Im sick, do YOU think I want to spend 7 hours in a car to go hiking and to a restaurant that is in the Cities? Fuck that!
Okay I'm done bitchinggg. :) Haha. I♥D