Jun 15, 2006 00:11
Ode to Love Unventured
A vast field of flowering daisies is inside me.
Complete with ten thousand fluttering butterflies creating a palate of joyous color.
I think about your mocha eyes, your sweet girly muskiness and your smooth curves
and try to gather the courage to talk to your deepest self; suddenly the field comes alive with wings. Ten thousand butterflies taking flight, twenty thousand fluttery wings churning my guts and making me sweat as I face your face and bare my soul to your soul.
In the light of day or morning haze or a dim lit space we may share
the glow of your being floats around you and engulfs me with such force,
such force of being that surrounds me and seeps inside me without effort or restrain.
You captivate me, intrigue me, send me into depths of emotions that are hard to
grasp, hard to express, hard to contain. Feelings of longing, feelings of desire
fleeting moments of utter bewilderment as your love-light
clouds my reason, my sanity, my control.
The simple question; the question that begs the question. I question myself.
I walk alone. I walk with my own thoughts, thoughts of your thoughts, your ideas,
your brilliance. Why me? Why you? Why us? Why should we hold any keys lost?
Am I drawn by discourse or intercourse? Is it the way your beautiful cocoa colored eyes dart away at the last second which betrays your thought? Or the plumpness of your full pouty lips that beg to be kissed? Oh, the need to kiss those
lips, the need that dominates the day and the night. The need to touch you, to caress
you, entwine with you, to be inside you, outside you, near you, with you; combined with you. Stimulated, challenged, toyed with, mystified, amazed, stumped.
Metaphors abound, you are the light, the gilded light, the aura of pure love, the mystery of Atlantis, the majesty of the full moon, the beauty of the White Cliffs of Dover, the seer, the dreamer, the traveler, the teaser, the pleaser, smart, chic, sexy.
As I ponder my fate and your fate and the fate of those yet unborn, un-lived, untouched by our karma in the generations to come, unknowing beings, unaware beings, blissfully ignorant of the love forces hard at work in their behalf - I entertain those karmic forces at work, I accept, I welcome, I long for, encourage, bathe in and wrap your love force
around my very being, my essence, my heart.
I love you.
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