They hurt my feet and give my cramps in the left leg. But damn, they make such nice legs! They're not even new. I think it's because my feet get larger in the summer, with the heat.
Anyway I wasn't home this last week and want to share videos to sum it up.
I finally got to see Borat. It was about time. I laughed so damn much I bought the DVD Wednesday.
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We wanted to watch the second movie of Planet of the Apes since we watched the first one together last time he was home, but he made a mistake and put the third DVD in the player instead of the second ^^; And we realized when I wanted to put it back in the DVD box (since I have a set with the 5 movies). So... Yeah. Crazy movie, but really funny in a kitsch way :p
He made me watch the three Mad Max in a row. I thought I was going crazy. I think I would have enjoyed the third a bit more, if the two first didn't suck that much. It was pretty terrible, although fun at times. The only thing is that I really love the aesthetic of the third movie. The 80's own my soul, I can't help it ♥
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HA HA HA it's even funnier on classical music XD;
And yay! My Earl Grey flavored cake was reaaally good ^^ We ate it with ice-cream, it was awesome ♥ Can't wait to try out on him and Sandra the new recipes I've found ^^
He picked me up at the train station with his motorbike, it was awesome. I can't wait to have one of my own. Those machines are fantastic, that's all there is to say.
Oh and I'm glad,
my massage bar is just fantastic &hearts and vigorously approved of lol.
Then Wednesday, I saw Sandra and her boyfriend Pierre for his birthday and stayed with them until Sunday, when Sandra and I went to her place and stayed until yesterday.
To sum it up:
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Eh oui même les Français font des choses amusantes des fois. That second song is so true.
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DAT ASS, NICK. DAT ASS. And his legs. And hips. And hair. Nick ♥ So gorgeous.
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I want Shakira to be my dance teacher. Also, ahoo indeed. Sandra and I never really recovered from that video, even though we weren't really able to register anything but her body moves and her howling.
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The Office. DAT SHOW. It took me two episodes to like it but now I've seen the first season, I want to see more ♥ It's really great. English series ♥
We watched the two first seasons of the IT Crowd too. I had seen most of it but Sandra didn't know it so it was the occasion to finish it! We have to watch the third season now *w*
And that filthy E.T. has been stalking me all week X( on TV, in cinema magazines, in DVD racks... I'm going crazy.
Also, OMG DDDD: Laurent Wolf, a lousy French DJ made a remix of Ring of Fire, as a """"tribute""""" to Johnny Cash. Kinda gave me murder urges.
But then again, we fell upon a Nick Cave show on TV and watched another one on DVD so it makes up for it ♥ Nothing better then Nick Cave to ease my soul. The more it goes, the more I love that guy.
And lol, another lady asked me if I had Asian origins. WTH people, WTH?
I woke up early to clean and tidy up my flat today. I love waking up early, I'll set my alarm clock daily from now on, it's much healthier.
I need boxes to start packing, too.