Dec 13, 2009 01:48
So I did a lot of homework friday, until sorta late in evening. Aaron helped me with my last bit of math homework because my eyes were hurting from going cross-eyed from looking at the computer for too long. But today, well today I woke up early, and went shopping with my mom. Second night of Hanukah and my mother gave me an oil change, how sweet, lol. Then I went to back to Aaron's and hung out with some other friends, I'm not too happy about it because I really should have been working on homework and then when I left Aaron's and went back to my parents house, I just ate and ate and ate some more and slept, read a book and slept some more. I did start reading the book called Push, which now a hit movie, Precious. Its short and an easy read, but very powerful.
So now I'm left, with sunday, to finish all of my studying. I'm nervous, I'm really really nervous. I want to do so well on these final exams but I don't know if I can pull it off. I hope that I can retain all this information and be able to apply everything. I'm beyond exhausted mentally, but I have to, I must get all this work done.
As for now I am sleep and at Aaron's. I should've stayed home tonight and woken up early to start my day, but oh well, I will wake up early in the morning and go home and start studying until the late hours of the night. Sweet dreams to anybody reading this...
till next time...