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Jul 17, 2005 08:32

hmmm an update page you say?....what to update on.....ive bene back in cali about 2 months now.new and exciting things....uhm

saw fantasic 4, it was good
july 3rd i turned 18 and i got my 18 black balloons....no party really though
july 4th was Ludlow streets annual july 4th block party.the familys make floats and stuff...my dad made one outta uhm a shopping cart i should try to post pictures or something see if itll work again

ok so if you see the picture, thats my grandparents house and those are the neighborhood kiddies dunno the first two kids to the left...but that kd in the army shyt is Mikey, then its Cody,jack and you can sorta see my dad on the right there lol...ok next picture of the shopping cart float...now it actually moves on its own...my dad used an electric scooter to get it to move...the gas and brakes are inside the cart where u sit,also theres the steering which is a bar you move back or front which will move the wheels left or right...i didnt wanna drive it...heres more pictures.....this is my dad next to his float thingy

this is michael belucci...hes supposed to be emilia airheart or something...don ask

these are my cousins...danny is in the red shirt,nicks in white and max...of course is in the sponge bob shirt...

even the fire department came down for fun....well free lunch really...( they said so themselves..)
 haha water hose! kids love that

this is one of the damn banners my grandma and i worked our asses off on...im burning my feet!^^^^

thats Scott trying to get intot he float..then its my dad...then jason and I, the the srgt. from the fire department and my sis paula.

then,finally the creator rides his creation.

so thats my 4th of july lol...

so i found out that for sure we are all moving back to cali, money in NY jsut wasnt cutting it, we wouldnt have food sometimes so yeah dad said we're moving back and i think we are buying a hosue on Reseda.^.^ i would be startign school but i cant yet. my dad wont have enough moey to pay for me...so imma wait so i dont haveta pay outta state tuition. Plus I have to go back out to NY to help my dad work on the house so we can sell it. We served Ted, gave him his 30 day notice to get the hell off our property....hes not too happy LOL...those of you who know Ted and have seen the shyt on our property because of him would be laughing right now :). One things for sure I will not miss NY...ill miss a few people I called friends... everyone else and that whole state can just kiss my ass :).jee arent I nice...

Today I plan on seeing Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...and also get to see the house we wanna buy.

1000 points to who guess who that is first! ^^^

ok well thats all for now i guess next update when i have something to update about..i hope this damn pictures work : /

peace luv n rock n roll!


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