Sep 12, 2006 14:52
"I am willing to fight to defeat the enemies of America. Those enemies seek to frighten us into becoming a shallow echo of the Islamic states, without the freedoms that our forefathers fought so hard to win. When some chicken-ass appeaser tells me that we need to violate our constitutional guarantees to liberty in order to "win against terrorists," I call him what he is: a collaborator.
Americans need a wake up call. Those who aim to take away our freedoms, and to turn us into a police state where torture is OK as long as it isn't us today, these are enemies of our great nation. Those who stare in the face of "terror" and REFUSE to be terrorized, those with the balls to say "you can blow us up and kill us by the thousands and we will not give up our cherished liberties," those are the patriots. If you are willing to throw in the towel and turn over your liberties to a government willing to torture and spy on its own citizens, then you are a coward and should feel nothing but shame."