Dec 25th

Dec 26, 2005 11:37

Saw the series finale to Roseanne which was terrible and irritating, and made me want to stop watching reruns of the show. Maybe some of you remember seeing it and know what I'm talking about. Now I know why reruns aren't often shown of series finales.

Christmas was good this year. On Wednesday I exchanged gifts with Jason which was fun, got some Serenity posters, a Dinoriders VHS tape, and a bunch of gum among others (that's right, gum. Yes I still have braces, he's a jackass). Thursday exchanged gifts with Jon and Anthony. Got a Madonna CD and a "K.U.K.L." CD from Jon, which is an old punk band Bjork was in. Got a ton of Tiki punch from anthony, which is posibbly one of the best/cheapest sodas on the planet. We also watched Drop Dead Fred and Rocky Horror Picture Show with Stefan/Adam. Saturday the extended family came over for christmas eve. Aside from the dog crapping in the middle of the floor when people were opening yankee swap gifts, the night went along as it usually does, nothing stressfull. As for my presents on Sunday, the majority of my gift from my parents was new tires for my Van, but I also got a new CD player and a coffee maker which were unexpected.

Friday I had my 3rd day of work at Papa Ginos, because being unemployed isn't always fun and I need to buy more DVDs I'll watch only once. Speaking of which, going to head to the bank/mall to see what I can get with some random gift certificates.
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