Oct 04, 2006 21:23
Soooooo today was a good day. Went to school and was happy for once. Math was math. After that was homeroom and I bought myself some food and a drink from Mr. Hnatow while informing him that every wednesday I will depend strictly on him to provide my breakfast. lol. In second period we took notes and all that good stuff. Uhm this kid was being ignorant so I went off on him, because he's really mean to this other guy and I hate it when people make fun of others and make them feel like shit. So I stood up for the guy. While we were doing classwork and stuff I listened to Logan's Ipod and we were singing to it kindof loud and we got in trouble. But it was worth it. Third period we had a test that was easy and then we did a whole lot of boring stuff. So I just browsed around on teh net and found this cool center place called Lelia Patterson Center. It has tons of stuff. Ash and I might do kickboxing there. Pretty sweet stuff. Anyways at lunch my friends Brandon and Megan broke up so I talked to each of them about it. So yeah that was a bit sad. In fourth a group presented the book they read and they had the period to "teach" us. lol. The book sounded awesome. And I got candeh<3. After school I talked to Brandon and he kissed me on the cheek. I guess he thinks I'm single. Cause Cary's not at the school anymore so yeah. Simple mistake.
Ashley came home with me and I had a dentist appointment so we went to that. Then there was Jack In The Box cause their milkshakes rawk. So we took a trip to Petsmart. I fell in love with teh mouseys. I plan on getting some if at all possible. I had a lot of fun in there. Then we went into some other stores and we went into Target and sang with our sexy moves and voices. I'm sorry all of you missed it. After all that I came home and talked to my life and reason for living, because he is simply amazing. And I am extremely happy with him right now and just happy in general. It's awesome cause I feel like I did when we first got serious. Like I'm a huge loser that obsesses and such. But oh well. =) I love my boyfriend. He reallyyyyyyyy is the greatest. I think about him a lot in class and just everything. Today on the way home from Target I was like holy shit we've been strong for almost four months. And it made me happy. Like really happy. And I was like woot I can't wait till we've been together five months, six, etc. And the thought of it made meh happy. Because if you can just know you'll last that long then it's just a wonderful thing. But of course it is. I'm dating Cary and what isn't wonderful about that? Yeah, you're speechless. Now go be jealous that I've found my life and you haven't♥