happy July 4th!! =)

Jul 04, 2004 15:43

happy july fouth pepo....!=) ehehe. bet yo pepo hoo went to stone mtn got WET! i hope sho!! ahaha. i didnt get to go..cuz it rained..i cancelled all mai planz.. first mai friend had to cancel one ob mai plan den i cancelled da rest.eiish.didnt feo like goin.if i went let c..i would have ben at da mall,lakenier >(dat iz not how u spell it rite? lol)< , umm....to eat...concert...nd...movie..i think datz all. o wellz. ima try next time..nd try to make it up tu pepo.den mai papi said we'd go sumwhere...but eiish, he fell asleep!>=X. didnt bother tu walk him up.but diz july fouth has ben..diff.=\...diz whole year has ben diff.not cuz ob changez outside..but inside mai own home.i barely ben able to see both mai parentz together...none the less my whole fam. everybodiz ben disappearin, moved outah mai lyfe nd heart.nd all i got left is mai mom dad aunt lit bro nd lit sis....but even sho..i barely see dem.dey never seem to b dere.dere alwayz gone...=\.i noe it sounds stibit to most ob yue pepo cuz u rather have ur rentz b gone like mines...but...its realli lonely at home.even tho i got mai bro nd sis....i miss mai momz nd dadz smilez..dey never smile no mor.its lyke now..all dey wana do ish work.nd datz all mai fault.but i wish dey'd understand dat...i'm not readi.=\.dey may see me readi for college...marriage..family..but pllleassee.!i still act as tho i'm still 5!!or 3 even!=P.i mean...i havent gotten anything in may lyfe str8ten out nd i'm realli sry for dat.juz i dont feo lyke thinkin abt it.iono wat i want to b went i grow up...how i want things when i grow up..eiish..i'm not even readi to let go ob mai rentz.hooyz...i'm weak as anybodi..i aint strong...i'm weak as n ant on its own. (ahaha). newayz...i hope yo july fouth ish kew! nd HaPPi FoUrTh ob JuLi!! ^-^..lovez.
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