writings and ponderings

Aug 14, 2008 16:58

"Do not wish for what you are unwilling to make happen"

"I cannot deny a part of me simply because I'd rather not think of it. It would become the missing link in my soon forgotten sense of self"

Everything and Nothing
Everything and Nothing
We will never truly know
The only answer we will ever have,
beyond a shadow of a doubt,
is I don't know.
But then again, how would I know?
It is safe to say that
we should think only of ourselves.
The idea that we are all
put on this planet
to commit selfless acts
and do good unto others,
alone, must be right.
Both thoughts are the
complete truth and completely wrong.
The human mind is far too small
to comprehend our infinite smallness
and far too great
to grasp our confined greatness.
It may be one or the other,
it may be both.
How would you ever know?
I ask because I do not know.
I know none of the thoughts you think
or what is indisputable truth or
what is wrong, absolutely.
You may hold the secret to life,
you may be confused, as confused as I.
Maybe I'm not confused.
Something within me tells me
I'm not confused at all.
Something tells me I'm wrong.
I hold my own secret to life.
I see that yours could be different,
could be that our views are the same,
the same as any one person on this planet.
We are all same, one entity.
We must not forget ourselves,
our individuality.

In debt and Inept
Too many debts to repay.
Why is accepting help such a difficult thing to do
and why do so many of us have a problem with taking?
How can the act of giving lead
to the act of taking?
We are all encouraged to give
but have all been taught not to take.
Pride, bullshit
Reputation, bullshit.
Perhaps I am as self sufficient as
Tiny Tim was agile.
Maybe I was born with a deficiency
Like iron or calcium
But not as tangible. Not as concrete.
If only a daily chewable vitamin could
cure my inexplicable inability to survive alone.
Do we all need this much help
or is it just me?
"Help me!" I scream.
The echo rings back, "Help yourself."

Let It Be
let it be
the three most powerful words you can ever learn
forget the lies you have been told about those three simple words
love has its power and beauty but only affects your sense of self superficially
never should you allow another person to have so much power over your entire being
the words let it be affect you down to your very core
knowing these words and learning them are two different things entirely
these are simple words that enter our vocabulary early in life
we all know them but few have taken the time to get to know them
let - make it possible through a specific action or lack of action
it is hard to say if this concept starts with a specific action or a lack there of
i suppose it is the specific action of choosing to allow life to happen as it will
the word it is far too encompassing to be defined
i will choose to describe it as whatever is suiting as the central focus in any given situation
be - exist, subsist, live
take the specific action of allowing life to happen as it will in any situation
and just exist will allowing everything else to subsist as it is
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