..:+*CaNt PeOpLe JuSt StOp TaLkInG sHiT*+:..
::: Im SiCK anD tIReD oF PpL TaLkINg THeIR shiT .... Im TireD oF it wHY doNt U JuSt sAY thE shiT To My FrEAkiNg FacE And IM fReakIN tIREd oF pPl 2 sCaReD Of fUCKen GoIng Up TO mY aSs aT sChOoL anD saY iT ... sHiIt ... jUsT wAit TiLL tHis BiTcH CoMeS uP 2 MeE iF shE eVen FuckEN tOUchEs MEe .. o0o i HoPe sHe DoeSnT cUz THen ImMa GEt My aSs KicKEd OuT anD iF i Do ... wElL sEe aBoUt THaT OnE :::
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:06:29 PM): wtf yd u cross off my piccies on adrianas folder?
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:06:36 PM): .... wheN ?
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:06:42 PM): o0o yeAH ...
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:06:49 PM): yea wtf
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:06:57 PM): yeah .. wtf ?
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:07:06 PM): uhhM HOw BouT u DONt gIVe MEeH AN AtTiTuDe
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:07:18 PM): ANd HOw BouT u COmE Up tO MeEH aT sChoOl InSTeAd Of OnlINe ?
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:07:45 PM): n how bout u didnt do that to me instead of kevin
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:07:56 PM): wHAt ?
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:08:05 PM): bout homecoming
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:08:11 PM): ReWoRd It i CanT uNDerSTanD iT
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:08:53 PM): HoW aBoUt U fUcKeN coMe Up To MEeh At ScHoOl AnD sToP bEiNg A lItTLe bITcH AbOUt IT anD tEll meE oNlINe
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:09:23 PM): alright bout dont u fukcing talk to me like that'
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:09:28 PM): HA HA
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:09:42 PM): FUCK thAT shiT .. hOW bOUt U LeAVe MEe THe FUcK AlOne ANd NOt Say THaT AgaIN ?
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:09:52 PM): U doNt EVen KNo wHO thE Fuck Ur TaLkiNg TO
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:10:09 PM): ANd i Can tALK tO yOU hOwEvER thE fuCK i WanT Ur NoT mY mOTHer uR 2 uGly TO BeE
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:10:09 PM): then stop fucking typing
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:10:15 PM): sTfU BriANa
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:10:35 PM): u swear like ur all fucking pretty
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:10:53 PM): oMfG
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:11:00 PM): u know wut i sould have listened to michelle of all that shit she was talking bout u
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:11:09 PM): WHAT ?
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:11:11 PM): MICHELLE WHAT ?
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:11:15 PM): yea u heard
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:11:25 PM): yeAH .. mIcHElLE whAt ?
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:11:26 PM): my stupid ass cuzin
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:11:31 PM): OMFG
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:11:45 PM): she talked so much shit bout u
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:11:47 PM): Now UR CouSIn Is In THiS
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:11:54 PM): LeTs SeE aboUt hEr fUckEN biTcH ASs
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:12:04 PM): u GOt HEr iN THis ?
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:12:06 PM): TiIGht tIIghT
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:12:07 PM): n now shes talking shit bout me to
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:12:14 PM): ANd shes UR COUSIN ?
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:12:20 PM): not really
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:12:25 PM): ima kik her ass
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:12:31 PM): wTf ?>
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:12:33 PM): *?
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:12:36 PM): nICe aSs couSIn U GOt
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:13:22 PM): look during the summer she calls my mom and she goes crying on the phone oh briana called me ugly n all this shit i was craking my ass off
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:13:36 PM): shes not really my cuzin shes half
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:13:59 PM): o0o .. shes still ur prima
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:15:02 PM): well technically not cuz thats not my cuzins daughter the only daughter he has is christina
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:15:06 PM): my niece
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:15:25 PM): o0o .. tHeN I ONo WHy Ur ClaImiN SHes UR coUSIn aT SChOOl
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:15:48 PM): shes the one oh im ur cuzin n all this shit
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:16:11 PM): hoW aboUT shE doEsnT bE a LIttLE bITCH eITHer anD coME tALk hEr sHIt TO mY fACe
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:16:17 PM): i was like ok
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:16:23 PM): okie dokie
OBEYpropaganda23 (9:16:32 PM): but i dont talk to her
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:16:43 PM): wElL wTf ?
Cu6aN LoLiiP0pxX (9:19:40 PM): bRb .. MY coMputER ... BUt Eyy jUSt coME up To mEe tOMorrOw
OBEYpropaganda23 signed on at 9:20:00 PM.