Last night I stayed over at Emily's since her parents were away. Who drank a whole bottle of vodka? We did! Hahaha. It was great.
We first went to Cheeburger Cheeburger for dinner, and I stole a glass hehehehehe. They are so cute though, I couldn't help it. Also, we played Trivial Pursuit while we waited for our food, I sucked majorly (except for on the one Junior Edition card, I was awesome at that) Then we rented Man of the House which I found to be VERY funny and good, and not only because I was drunk while watching it. Tommy Lee Jones=sexy old man.
I just got home hanging out at Jason's because he got back from Maine today. Ooops...Hmmm, I just splashed water all over my mouse and speaker...probably not good...
I feel as though I have been avoiding my parents because everytime I see them they want to have heart to heart talks or lectures about 'what I think being 21 means'. My dad asked me to tell him what I thought it meant and I said 'Well it feels a lot like being 20'. Apparently NOT what he wanted to hear.... I am so wanting to move out and just be on my own. I can't wait for school to start haha.
xoxoxo Jenna
Currently Reading:
The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger
hey pretty baby with the high heels on