Jul 10, 2005 09:48
Uh I just wrote this butt long entry and some how it got deleted...grr...but im not going to let that stop me cause ive actually had a really good week other than the fact of this whole Dennis thing...the Braves game was awesome, that was prolly one of the best trips ive taken in a long time..very relaxing and just enjoyable...then came home to stupid Dennis...went over to Josh's house yesterday to hang out..that was fun..he has some of his friends that are staying with him during this whole thing, and they are so funny..I had a good time over there too...now im sitting here waiting to go over to my Aunts house, who is like only 3 houses down the street but dad wants us to stay with other people especially since my Uncle Mark will be there...Dad came home for a lil bit last night but hes gone now...we wont see him until after the storm...which is kinda sad cause I would feel a whole lot more safe if he was there...my dad is like my protector..I dont care what I am in as long as hes here I feel ok...but its ok Im going over to my aunts house and it will be the 3 of us and my gparents and aunt uncle and cousin..Crystal bailed out on me shes in Texas..she bailed out on me the other day to at the cookout..lol oh well ill get her one day..I wish everyone the best...stay safe..I love you all and I'll be talking to you whenever I get a chance...feel free to call my cell and let me know how your doing..well thats it for me, i prolly wont be on for a while but neither will ya'll lol...