Internship, PhD program, and PhD exchange program for Russian students in Singapore

Feb 14, 2012 22:51

Я познакомился с Дэвидом в Гонконге.
Он очень хороший человек и сильный ученый.
Сейчас он работает в ADSC в Сингапуре, и
его группа ищет русских студентов/аспирантов.


Call for Intern/postgraduate student applications

The Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC) is a research institute jointly founded by Singapore's A*STAR (a government agency for research) and America's University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). UIUC ranks top-5 world-wide for its computer science department. ADSC is located in Singapore, but its research activities are mainly led by UIUC professors. ADSC's research focuses on database systems, data mining, web search, machine learning, computer vision, and computer networking. Its homepage is .

We are looking for Russian students who are interested in pursuing a career in computer science research. We offer both short-term internships (3-6 months) as well as PhD programs. The details are as follows:

Eligibility: Russian undergraduate and master students from the math/computer science/computer engineering/electronic engineering department of a Russian university.
Duration: 3-6 months. Start at any time.
Salary: 1500-1800 Singapore dollars per month. 1 Singapore dollar = 23.7 rubles as of Feb 14, 2012.
Highlights: You will work with UIUC professors. If you do good work, you will get reference letters from them. These letters will be very useful if you apply for a job later in the U. S., or for postgraduate study. Plus, if you work hard you may publish research papers about your work, which will strengthen your CV a lot. In the past several of our undergraduate interns got full-scholarship offers from top U.S. universities for PhD study.

[PhD program]
Eligibility: Russian students with a bachelor's or master's degree from the math/computer science/computer engineering/electronic engineering department of a Russian university.
Duration: 4-5 years. Start in either the spring or the fall semesters.
Salary: 2500 Singapore dollars per month.
Degree: After you finish your study, you will get a PhD degree from a local Singaporean university; or, if you are really good, you may get a PhD degree from UIUC.

[PhD exchange program]
Eligibility: Russian PhD students from the math/computer science/computer engineering/electronic engineering department of a Russian university.
Duration: 1-2 years. Start at any time.
Salary: 2500 Singapore dollars per month.

[Note on our internships and exchange PhD programs]
Applicants must obtain written approvals from their home universities and/or supervisors before coming to work at ADSC. After the students finish their internship / exchange program, they must go back to the home university in Russia to continue their study.

[About Singapore]
Singapore is a developed and rapidly growing economy. It's sometimes called "Asia for beginners", because everyone speaks English (the official language), and there is generally a western lifestyle. Computer science is one of the main industry of the island-nation, and there are many job opportunities for CS graduate students, with very competitive salary.

Please send emails to David Yang ( for further information.


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