
Oct 17, 2010 15:18

NAME: Michi
JOURNAL: [tsubameongaku]
AIM: Cendrillonwaltz
E-MAIL:michilovesyoulots@gmail.com I have no idea what I was thinking when I made this acc. so long. xD

CHARACTER NAME: Killua Zaoldyeck
FANDOM: HunterXHunter
AGE: Canon: 12; Here: 14
GRADE: 9th Grade/ Freshman


Killua Zaoldyeck had been taught to wield a knife the same time he was taught to hold a fork and spoon.

The Zaoldyeck family has a family business. They are assassins. Grandfather, father, mother and the five sons are in the business. His father wants Killua to be his heir because among his sons, he was the one who had the most potential to become an excellent assassin.

Killua was bored, tired of killing and his life as an assassin. His life was his own, that was what he believed in. It was when he left that his father realized that Killua was unlike him and had a life of his own. He also saw that his son was developing a style of his own and this made him proud. He couldn't wait to see his son to grow up more powerful than he could ever be staying in the family though Killua really expressed that he had no desire to be an assassin.

He also has a friend named Gon Freeces. Gon is the total opposite of Killua yet they became fast friends. So, now--- Killua is at least a little bit less anti-social and blood-thirsty.

Clairbourn was really a strange choice. It even confused those who knew him because it was really difficult to picture Killua as normal. However, Killua was also the type to try out anything that looked interesting to him. It also didn’t hurt that it was far away from Kukuru Mountain, where his family lived. And, he’d really do anything to get away from them.

His family didn’t believe that Killua would really be able to live a life normally without blood and killing. He is a born assassin and there was no other life for him. Killua wanted to prove them all wrong. That was why he is in Clairbourn.


Killua is a child of a family of assassins, the Zaoldyecks, so he doesn't flinch at blood, violence and malice. Though, at first glance people might not see that because he hides his bloodlust and his killing aura well behind a mask. Killua himself admitted that. He might even be what most people would think as the typical rich boy; mischievous and cheeky. He rarely finds excitement in anything, even in the Hunter Exam which he regarded as nothing but a game. Killua enjoys games because games can be at least fun for a while until he grows bored. That is probably the only child-like quality of Killua.

One must not forget that Killua is an assassin and he is trained to survive by any means necessary. He doesn't care if those means are fair or not. He is not afraid to cheat or steal... or kill. Killua is more mature and intelligent than most people think for his age. He already knew the darkness in people at a very young age, so he doesn't trust people though he acts very friendly. That is probably another reason he has difficulty making friends.

Since everyone knows the Zaoldyeck name, it is a burden. It is either people grow afraid of him or turn on him for his bounty. A Zoaldyeck head's price is very high. And, Killua is not the type to hide the fact that he is a Zaoldyeck because he has always been taught to be proud of his name. Killua knows how powerful he is and many times he has had to hold himself back because he knows if he lets himself get too carried away he might kill again. Sometimes he runs away from a battle but not from fear of the enemy. He is more afraid of getting too excited. Killua left home because he is tired of the life of killing. It was boring. Killua was tired of being a perfect killing machine and wants to live a life of his own because there had to be more to him than being a killing machine but his father knew that as long as he was his son, he would not find peace anywhere in the world. The Zaoldyeck family had too many enemies and very few places to hide.

There is another side in Killua that might not be apparent at first glance. When it was time for the kill, he is ruthless, bloodthirsty and violent. He is the type to hold a still-beating heart in his hands and crush it with a grin, then watch the victim die ever so slowly (Jones the dismantler). He also rip heads off as easily as a chopping knife. His capabilities were definitely more than what you'd expect from someone his age. According to Milluki, he might even be the best assassin the family ever had. Unfortunately in Milluki's eyes, Killua was too much of a coward to be an assassin and this made Milluki angry to see such potential go to waste. He couldn't understand why someone with as much talent as Killua didn't want to kill. He could only come up with the conclusion of cowardice.

Killua had been trained since he was in diapers to survive anything; electrocution, poisonous substances and most of all pain (Probably where the cocky attitude comes from). He was trained to be a killing machine. He is not an easy enemy and many that tried to trifle with him, regretted it.

Sometimes, the bloodthirsty Killua did act like a playful child because after all at heart he is still twelve. He enjoys playing pranks, chocolate and sweets. the 20,000,000 Zenis he earned was spent on treats and chocolate. He buys chocolates by the crates. It is a miracle how he always manages to finish them all. He acts like a mischievous cat when he was up to no good. But most of the time, he is probably just following Gon's lead. Gon is Killua’s bestfriend. Killua learned to act more like a child whenever he is with Gon. Without him however, his defenses are up and he adapts the personality that will help him survive.

He admits to Mito, Gon’s adoptive mother that he actually has no idea how to write personal letters. The only letters he'd ever written are blackmail... death threats and who knows what else. Threats are another part of his training as an assassin. He doesn't understand having connections with people and much less having feelings. Killua can get very attached to people he becomes protective of. It is not easy because the person must have a very big influence on him. People say that he had eyes that looked like they have seen the darkest part of Hell. These eyes made many enemies think twice about messing with him.

There is one thing that Killua seems to fear. He is afraid of opponents stronger than him. Illumi Zaoldyeck, his older brother happens to be one of those. It was part of his training not to engage into a battle until he is very certain of victory. Though for Gon, he had been willing to risk his very life in more than one occasion and much to Gon's irritation. Gon after all was his first friend, Killua was not going to allow anyone to harm him and would kill if he needed to. There is a needle stuck in Killua's brain that prevents him from fighting people stronger than him. It was removed much later though. Illumi had implanted it before they separated ways in the Hunter Exam.

Killing, after all was something quite simple to Killua. Trifle with him, you die. Lie to him, you die. Harm someone he cares for, he'll give you something more frightening than death.


Physical: Because of his intense training to become an assassin, Killua can live through almost anything. He had been exposed to electricity since he was young. 1000 volts of electricity feels like a bee sting to him. According to the family, he has the potential to become the strongest and best the Zaoldyeck family has ever seen.

Mental: Malice, violence and blood is an everyday thing when you are part of the Zaoldyeck family. He is a young man that would hold a still beating heart in his hands and smile while he did it. Inside him, he enjoys these kills… but another part of him is sick of it. Killua is a cheeky brat and he loves playing tricks on people. Without his Assassin background, he is just likes any little boy. He likes skateboards, chocolate and not money conscious. He spends money as quickly as he earns them.

Emotional: He is tired of being an assassin, which is why he wants to be away from his home. He does want to make friends, but he is very wary of people because he is a Zaoldyeck. A head of a Zaoldyeck is worth millions. Gon is the first person to accept him despite knowing what he used to do for a living. And, he is probably one of the handful of people that Killua would die for.


Physical: He withstands electrocution, poison and beatings. As of now, there isn’t a lot of visible weaknesses. Even if he had any, there is hardly a possibility of him revealing them. But in Claibourn , of course, he will be much more human than his anime/manga counterpart. There will be no use of Nen and he won’t be able to pull out a man’s heart as easily. He can withstand electrocution but not 1000 volts. Only as much as humanly possible. Poison, he will only withstand those that are within humanly possible.

Mental: Killua is a coward. It had been mentally implanted to him that he should run away if he encounters a stronger opponent. Even his brother, Milluki calls him a coward and it is a waste. Funnily, he gets freaked out by strange-looking fish. He is blood-thirsty when he is serious about a kill. In fact, when he gets too excited in a fight he loses himself. That is why, he would rather run from a fight before it gets serious. He doesn’t want to kill again.

Emotional: He is easily bored. And, when he does get bored he jumps into the next interesting thing. He doesn’t feel close with his family, but he does have a great deal of respect for his father. He is afraid of his older brother, Illumi… and finds his brother, Milluki and mother annoying. He doesn’t want to be an assassin anymore, not because of fear but because that wasn’t the life he wanted anymore.
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