Turn and face the strange (ch-ch-changes)

Nov 19, 2015 12:11

Soooooo it's been quite a while since an update from Casa del Kyy, in which time life has taken quite the unexpected turn. Casa del Kyy itself is no more (well, the house still exists but I don't live there), and has now become Casa del Utlah and Kyy.

Yup, Utlah and I finally moved in together, after only 9 years of living more than two hours away (yes, I know that pales in comparison with some friends' long-distance things, but this is the UK and an hours drive is considered quite a distance!). His landlords needed the property back so that they could renovate it for their daughter to live in, which proved quite the prompt for Ut to look at his living situations, having initially only planned to be there for 6 months.....14 years ago XD

Luckily, his employer had once put the "you could possibly work from home 3/4 days a week" cards on the table, and after a consultation and a short trial, they agreed that he could still do so. Thus the great house hunt of 2015 began. What we needed was somewhere that was not as far south from Nottingham as Didcot, as he still needs to go into the office at least one day per week, but also was no more than about an hour or 60 miles-ish *from* Didcot, as I stil have to do 12 hour shifts & can't have much more than an hours' drive either way, purely for safety reasons (Studies show that driving after a 12 hour shift, especially a nightshift, is almost as dangerous as just being over the drink drive limit due to fatigue and loss of concentration).

Eventually, after several frustrating false starts, we settled on a property in Banbury (Ride a cock horse, to Banbury Cross, yes that one! I drive past it most days), and moved in back in mid September. After two months now of living together, I am pleased to announce that neither one of us has yet murdered the other, and we're both happier than we have been in a looooooooooong time. We've got our own rooms, since I have odd sleeping patterns when on shift, but usually share one room when strange alarm times aren't required. There's plenty of space in the house, we've got a den for the PC's, Ut has his own office, there's at least two living rooms (we don't really use the second as a dining room that much), and there's even a self contained chalet/studio in the back garden, which has plenty of space (when it's not taken up by all the stuff from my place that I'm still sorting through). Needless to say, we have enough space that we don't get beneath each other's feet and can still have some "me" space when needed. Plus there's now plenty of room (and parking!) for visitors, so we're being more social at weekends, now that all my non-working weekends aren't hogged by visiting each other.

I'll put some pics up at a later date, but I thought a short update would be best for now :)
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