Jul 05, 2009 14:59

okay i am supposed to write the new fic right? but i'm sooooo sorry that i can't make it...
i have to go on one...uhh no probably two month of HIATUS...like i said i have just started my new and final semester, and on the second week we shouldn't have anything that is suppose to happen, but we suddenly being told to handle a MAJOR event in 1 month only! shit one month??!!! and damn, i don't have much time to online anymore, so i have to go and prepare since i'm handling  all the protocol stuff, ughh burden!

anyway hope all of you guys can wait ne~~~
so sorry, hontoni gomen nasai T.T

partly this is just announcement on a sudden HIATUS for me...
i'm sorry again and especially to my new fic beta nani-chan...uwaaa gomen ne, hope you enjoy the trip, i'll be back in one-two month okay...
see you guys later!! ^^



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