(banner credit:
akira_nya @
perfect_smoke )
(layout credit:
kimmyxfleur @
okimiyage )
Interested in reading my fic? Then add me first than comment here and tell me who you are and why should i add you back, this is because most of the people that i have added back before just seems to enjoy reading in silence, it's not wrong but i don't want anyone who doesn't really want to be a friend, friending me and never really comment on anything that i wrote. Thus it's called FRIENDS only journal, but i'm not that cruel, i give 49 hours for the silent readers to read, thats all and if you comment without reading than you are just wasting your time commenting cause i won't entertain your request.Oh and one more, i won't add any empty journals back, so if you have empty journals, i'm sorry but i'm not going to entertain you.