(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 16:58

Blah, blah, blah... update, update.
  Joe's sister had a baby. Excellent for her. I really am happy for her, but it was via CS and not natural... I can't help but wonder how Sarah feels about that. Anywho, Alexander is here now and that's all that counts. Speaking of Joe, I spent the other night visiting with him. It was nice to get away from things for a bit. We visited Jerry and Nancy too. I have never seen that many cats just appear. It was really creepy. Yet, what was I expecting? They've probably got more critters on that property than the Binder Park Zoo.

Anyway, talking with them is always good. It puts me back on solid ground after getting tied up in way too much. I can step back and see where I am. All too often I get caught up in where I think I should be versus where I am. Face it, "should be" is a nice way of saying "is not". "This should be easier." = "This is not easier."
  Sad thing is, 99% of our should be statements come from things that we don't want to accept as being true because at some level we know we can't change it. Most of my should be thoughts are work related. I know theres nothing I can do, but maybe if I tell enough people how it should be then maybe one of them will change it.
   --Good lord, how did I manage to take a visit to Jerry and Nancy's and make it into a philisophical rant on the concept of "should be." I can hear Nancy now, "shut yer damn brain off for three frickin' seconds, would ya? Damn kid... if you put that kind of thought into something useful you  might do some good." Then she would show me the newest animal in the herd. I love the way people around here teach. Its like being hit in the face with a board. No gentle explainations, just a nice blunt you-should-have-understood-this-before-you-were-out-of-diapers type of lesson. It works though.
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