Following with my new (ish) creed of doing absolutely nothing productive, I've decided to catch up on other fandoms that everyone is always raving about. Meaning that I've been staying up late on the mac watching Queer as Folk. Um. Hello, addictive. I don't understand how I've managed to avoid the gratuitous boy-sex for so LONG :D. Oh, and it's sweet, and dramatic, and ADDICTIVE. I would be further along in the series, but I'm a little hindered by the fact that the mac is in the main family room, where my mom likes to sit and bug me ;_; (and bitch and bitch and bitch, but that's another story *gnashes teeth*). Someday I may be brave enough to test my fate and watch what on the surface is gay porn with family in the room, but today is not that day...Oh college, I cannot wait for you <3. (That roommate matchup survey will be awfully interesting o_o).
Next up, Firefly and House!
I also watched Sorcerer's Stone on Saturday. Giggle-fest ahoy :D. I obviously wasn't sexually mature when it first came out, because I never noticed little things like the unbearable hotness of Oliver Wood and Alan Rickman's girly hair tosses <3
Draco, Remus: