Having decided that the fact that all snooty, artsy colleges everywhere have conspired together to put me on their "we like you, but not enough to really care if you attend or not" lists is pretty damn funny, I will now fall back on a safely happy topic. You know the one:
So, I finally had my first QaF dream the other night. I don't mean one of those fitful, half awake night with QaF images flitting through my mind constantly, because that happened every day for 3 weeks :D. No, this was a genuine, deep sleep, on crack dream. In the way of dreams, I was both an onlooker and Justin (hee). I/He was snuggling with Brian at the edge of a cliff, in this misty blue rain. However, because my brain hates me, Michael was shoved in the man-pile somewhere as well, and kept grinning obnoxiously at me :x. Still, the snuggling was really gratifying >D. Then, all of the sudden a version of Lover's Spit with female vocals began to play, and they were all dancing in babylon, amidst the confetti. And Justin kept bobbing his head like a lame pigeon...
This was just a small dream segment; the rest of the night I dreamed that I was going to visit Paris, and it was so OMIGODEXCITING that I would be able to see the Eiffel Tower o_o. Paris isn't even on my top TEN list of places to go, what?
Art: Remus and Sirius