Age: old
Height: short side of average
Weight: light!
Medical Info: none 8Db
Eyes: Blue normally, but they go gold when he's being all vampirey
Hair: black!
Physical traits:
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: no limits other than telling him he's fictional~!
Abilities: super fast, immediate healing, can create claws from his nails, most traditional "vampire killing" stuff (sunlight, holy water, silver, running water, garlic) doesn't affect him
Notes for the Psychics: subaru subaru subaru subaru tsuntsuntsun!?
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: yes/yes/be prepared for retaliation/ditto BUT TALK TO ME PLEASE o/
Maim/Murder/Death: yes, he'll get better quickly/no for now we'll see/ditto
Hugging/Kissing/Other nonviolent contact: he won't be happy and will probably react violently but yes/yes/yes
Cooking: doubtful! maybe!?