long Alice Nine meme <3

Mar 01, 2010 01:01

From  yuukichan84 who got it from mandramoddle XDD

WARNING: my answers will be long and indecisive!

1. Name

2. Birthplace
Corpus Christi, Texas

3. How long have you been an Alice Nine fan?
Not sure but I believe Oct/Nov 2008

4. How did you first come across Alice Nine?
Well, when I was in my senior year of college (07-08) I lived with a girl (Jennifer XD) who had common interests like anime and what not. Before we moved out I asked her for some of her Japanese music since I had exhausted my jpop collection. She gave me some files and originally I only listen to An Cafe and thought, "Hmm I don't really like jrock". But later that year, I gave it a shot again, saw she had the Mirrorball single. Listened and then looked them up :) VIOLA!

5. Who's your favourite member?

6. What do you like about your favourite member:
He is everything I admire in a man that I hardly ever see in men. He is strong and determined, yet so gentle and extremely considerate. And he's an unbelievably adorable dork!

7. Something you don't know, but would like to know about that member:
I'd like to know if he's gay. JK! I'd like to know if he would be interested in making a life with a non-Japanese girl.

8. Which of the members have you written letters or fanmail to?
Wrote a letter to the whole band. Made valentines for Shou and Nao!

9. Something about you that changed when you became a fan of Alice Nine:
I was still recovering from a hard break-up so I felt lifeless. They restored my will to live, and I began to see color in the world again. I also realized that there were men out there that could look just as beautiful as women and yet be so devastatingly attractive to me. My taste in music and men was forever changed.

10. Your favourite Alice Nine song and why:
This is slowly changing with time, but I have to say Rainbows because it's the song that made me fall in love with them. I think it's revolutionary for them and I can listen to it over and over.

11. The song you'd like to hear most at lives:
*Insert indecisiveness* Kowloon, time machine, yami ni chiru sakura, waterfall
and if shou were giving me a personal live, armor ring <3 (which I never knew how FREAKING amazing those lyrics were til now!!)

12. The song you listen to when you feel down or sad:

13. When you are ill, the song that makes you feel better:
Blue Planet or Follow Me

14. The song you listen to when you are happy:
All of them :)

15. The song which influenced you the most:
Kowloon - made me like hard rock for the first time

16. The first Alice Nine song you ever heard:
Kiseki O_____O haha

17. Is there a song you can sing perfectly without having to look at the lyrics?
I finally learned the lyrics I was missing to Rainbows!!! Now I know the whole thing ^_______^

18. An Alice Nine song you'd like to sing at Karaoke:
F*** karaoke! But if I had to, Rainbows, since I actually know the words?

19. Have you seen Alice Nine live?

20. If you have, what were your thoughts? If you haven't, are you planning on attending a live?
Yes, by the end of 2010

21. At violent Alice Nine lives, where do you always stand? Or if you haven't been, where would you like to stand?
Do they exist? I would like to stand front and center, so I can ogle Shou-san's crotch and he can go, "Oooh, who is this foreign girl ogling my crotch?" XDD

22. What style do you (or would you like to) attend Alice Nine lives in? (Clothes, make-up, etc)
LORD I HAVE NO IDEA! I would probably go shopping for this event, a month in advance. I would wear black, maybe some leopard print to get Shou's attention, something feminine cos I don't wanna look like a guy in my attempt to look "hardcore". My make-up would probably be similar to how I always wear it, well, when I wear make up. Might make it a little heavier since it'll be dark. Comfortable shoes. Will never wear uncomfortable shoes to a live ever again!

23. Name a few necesseties for attending an Alice Nine live:
Umm energy! phone, if I can take a camera, definitely that, money to buy good, bag to carry goods home :) extra clothes for the next morning in case I make it home with Shou-san LOL JK

24. Do you (or would you) always fill out the after-live questionnaire?
Definitely, if I can read it.

25. Something you've started collecting because of Alice Nine:
Their DVDs and pictures of them :) LOTS of pictures -_______-;

26. Which Alice Nine costume series do you like most?
OH SNAP I dunno! I will say Tsubasa, because it's the only one where ONE of them doesn't F it up for the rest. Example: alpha - nao's horrid skirt thing / Blue Planet - Saga's damn puffy trash bag jacket / The Beautiful Name - Saga's pants and Shou's fur. JK that's harsh, but in a lot of the looks I like, one of them is wearing something I don't like. Anyway, they make matching work really well in Tsubasa :)
Here's a cool reference for their looks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NljyqVMqZs

27. One item you like in Alice Nine's goods range: (Or if you don't own any, one thing you'd like to have)
I would like the Discotheque live t-shirt and some picks :) I didn't know you need a different type of pick for bass, so I'd like some of Saga's!

28. Your cellphone's ringtone:
My iphone is retarded after being jailbroken, so I have a ringtone that came with it.

29. Your cellphone's wallpaper:
For the same reason as above, it's "stuck" on a pic of Akatsuki from Naruto XDD

30. Cellphone strap:
Broke my hitsugaya one.

31. PC wallpaper:
Rotating Alice Nine pictures <3

32. Does your email address have something to do with Alice Nine?
No but my new AIM sn does!

33. A place you go to frequently:

34. Your favourite shop:
Does this have to be real or can it be virtual? Although I haven't ordered there yet, I like yesstyle.com a lot!

35. Your favourite CD shop:
CD Japan or YesAsia, since nothing here has Japanese CDs

36. A magazine you read frequently:
I don't read any. Just translations when provided.

37. Recommended CD:
Alice Nine - Vandalize

38: Do you have pets?
OF COURSE! dogs- Joey, Luna, Midnight / cats - Hershey and Cheeto / gerbil - Chompers / fish - Pong

39. Do you visit the Alice Nine OHP frequently? Which page within do you visit the most?
Not really, tbh. I use hello dear numbers for most of my updates.

40. An artist other than Alice Nine who you think is noteworthy:
Versailles. They are amazingly talented.

41. An artist you like out of those signed to PS Company:
All except I don't know a lot about Kra and Kagrra...-_________-

42. A member whose words you were surprised by: (in a magazine article, MC, radio show etc)
Shou declaring, "Even though I think I'm the fastest runner amongst the band members..." I really wouldn't have pinned Shou-san as the fastest. Also, when he freaked about wearing a similar costume as Ruki's on his blog. I realized how extremely considerate and thoughtful Shou was, and I was in love <3 I was surprised at how considerate he was...and there are many other blog posts which demonstrate this.

43. If you could become one of the members for a day, who would you become and why?
I would be Nao, so I could watch the whole band as they performed.

44. If the world ceased to exist tomorrow, which member would you like to spend your last day with?

45. Which member would you like to go to karaoke with?
NO KARAOKE! but if I had to, I guess Shou so he could help me? but maybe not cos I would just embarrass myself like crazy!

46. Which member would you like to go drinking with
Most definitely Shou, and I think yall know why! I would totally take advantage once he was drunk, which shouldn't take long!

47. Which member would you like to go to an oshare bar with?
Shou-san ( I would want to go anywhere with him!)

48. Which member would you like to cook for?
Shou-san! I can't cook well, but he likes pasta and I can cook that at least!

49. Please arrange the members according to who you think would change the most when drunk (least changed to most changed):
Nao, Saga, Tora, Shou, Hiroto

50. Please arrange the members according to who you think would make the longest telephone calls from shortest to longest:
Tora, Hiroto, Saga, Shou, Nao
depends on who they are calling...

51. If you had to substitute in an Alice Nine live, which part would you choose to play?
Saga's bass! Since I couldn't even PRETEND to do the others part...

52. One thing you like about Alice Nine (physical):


53. Your first impression about Shou:
This guy's voice is so weird/not good x______________________x

54. What name do you call him by?
Shou-san, but usually Shou I guess. I like Shou-kun, but...I don't usually call him that.

55. Are you good at drawing?
Umm, sometimes. I used to draw a lot.

56. Have you fallen off of a jungle gym?

57. If Shou were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
Wow. If he were my lover, I think I'd explode. If he were a brother...*dies a painful death*, as a friend he would be dependable and a fun gaming partner, and as a lover, I would be in heaven. He's everything I want <3


58.Your first impression about Hiroto:

59. What name do you call him by?

60. Did you know at first that his name was pronounced "Hiroto"?

61. Do you gargle every day?
I'm starting to...I got new mouthwash.

62. If Hiroto were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
I think he'd be a fun brother and friend! I think he'd be a lot of fun and take me to cool places. But as a lover, I don't think our lifestyles would mesh well...simply because I love to sleep and he doesn't seem to need it >__< I do think he's be a good lover though... :)


63. Your first impression about Tora:
He looks really fierce and strong

64. What name do you call him by?
Tora, toRAWR

65. Do you have a lip/navel piercing?
Why am I always reminded of this?! I would if it weren't for work!

66. Were you born in the city?
Yes :)

67. If Tora were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
I think he would be such a great older brother, protective and encouraging. As a friend, you'd have to be a REALLY good friend to be close to him, and I think once I was, he'd be a great friend! As a lover, I think he could satisfy and love me well, but once again, I don't think he and I would mesh well. I just can't get a good feel for his true character.


68. Your first impression about Saga:
Yay BASSIST! He was my default fav because of his instrument.

69. What name do you call him by?

70. What do you call the thing he wears on his nose?
This is for the original meme, for reita of the gazette ( to answer: I wish he'd take it off cos I'm sure he's hot...but I do like the mystery! He wouldn't be REITA without it...)

71. Out of the Shinkansen, which do you think is the fastest?
I don't know but I hope to find out when I go to Japan!

72. If Saga were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
Hmmm, Saga would be a strange brother. I think he is also a gentle man so he would make an excellent big brother and friend too! As a friend though, I think he'd be a little flaky. As a lover, I personally think he's a freak so I'm down with that. As long as he grew out that damn hair cut he has now!


73. Your first impression about Nao:
Is he Chinese? he's a cutie!

74. What name do you call him by?

75. Are you good at cooking ?
Not really...

76. Where do you think the state of New Jersey is?
Exactly where it is...not that I really care though.

77. If Nao were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
He would be the BEST big brother ever! A great friend too. He's reliable and funny. I would love to hear that laugh every day of my life. As a lover...I can't see it AT ALL!


78. Represent each member with just one or two kanji (if you don't know kanji, describe each member with just one word):
don't feel like looking up any kanji
1. Shou - sweetheart
2. Hiroto - energetic
3. Tora - manrii! HAHA
4. Nao - lighthearted
5. Saga - aloof

79. Compare each member to an animal:
1. Shou - lion (a cute one)
2. Hiroto - squirrel! XDD
3. Tora - tiger (how original)
4. Nao - panda bear
5. Saga - giraffe

80. Compare each member to a colour:
Shou - light blue
Hiroto - orange
Tora - black
Nao - bright yellow
Saga - purple

81. According to you, Alice Nine is:
An amazing band. My life. A group of wonderful men moving towards a common dream they are passionate as hell about.

82. Your expectations from now on for Alice Nine:
A live in America! Bigger and better things. Continued success <3

This was hard! But it sparks up so much love for them <3


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