day 27: your month, in great detail

Feb 28, 2010 00:33

day 01: your favorite song 
day 02: your favorite movie 
day 03: your favourite television program 
day 04: your favourite book 
day 05: your favourite quote 
day 06: whatever tickles your fancy 
day 07: a photo that makes you happy 
day 08: a photo that makes you angry/sad 
day 09: a photo you took 
day 10: a photo of you taken over ten years ago 
day 11: a photo of you taken recently 
day 12: whatever tickles your fancy 
day 13: a fictional book 
day 14: a non-fictional book 
day 15: a fanfic 
day 16: a song that makes you cry (or nearly) 
day 17: an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) 
day 18: whatever tickles your fancy 
day 19: a talent of yours 
day 20: a hobby of yours 
day 21: a recipe 
day 22: a website 
day 23: a YouTube video 
day 24: whatever tickles your fancy 
day 25: your day, in great detail 
day 26: your week, in great detail 
day 27: this month, in great detail 
day 28: this year, in great detail 
day 29: hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days 
day 30: whatever tickles your fancy

day 27: this month, in great detail 
So, I'm just going to highlight as much stuff as possible, limited by my memory of course. Umm, this month so far was dominated by our Valentine Project for Alice Nine. I worked on that a lot and stayed up really late some nights, craziest one being to 6am with yuukichan84 (with = on aim). My mom got up for work and saw me and said, "have you been up all night?!"...Yes mom, I have. She was impressed with my progress though. Sent those bad boys out Feb. 13th and they arrived Feb. 17th. I don't remember what day, but David called me this month. First time talking to him in quite a while. It was actually really nice talking to him. I feel like we still revert back to how we used to talk when we first started liking each other. Giggles and whatnot. He's living in Houston now with his parents, which I was unaware of. I think it was Feb. 12th we had the freak snow thing. Record breaking snowfall that day and irritation the next day, followed by many days of yucky, wet everything. Feb. 14th was Valentine's Day, and Sam (the wifey) was my Valentine <3. She took me to temple since it was Chinese New Year as well. Feb. 18th was NicoNico with Hiroto, Nao, and Tora. "Watched" with  mandramoddle and had some good laughs, always at a9's expense ^____^ The olympics started on Feb. 12 and I found a new guy to stalk. I've been watching Apolo for a long time, but J.R. Celski all the sudden appears on the radar HAHAHA All I have to say is at least he's legal! Being half Filipino and half Polish to me is funny, because the last 2 guys I dated where one of those. David-Filipino...Tom-Polish...LOL! Anyway, short track speed skating was very interesting this year, with all that eye candy. It makes me really sad to think I won't be watching Apolo in the olympics anymore, but at least I have Celski to take over his role as my guy to watch in that event. I seriously love the olympics. I wish more people were into it, and thank god my parents are so I didn't have to fight them for the TV even once these 2 weeks. hibari_sensei had an olympics party to celebrate some of the metals we had won, like Shaun White's gold in halfpipe. That was really fun and met some of her nice friends. It's just really sad they are ending tomorrow T__________T BYE WINTER OLYMPICS! SEE YOU IN SOCHI! Let's see. Feb. 22nd I had my inventory at my store...blah blah. I can't really think of anything else, but I'm sure I'm missing something...Oh well, not looking forward to tomorrow's post!!! jaaaa, oyasumi!


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