I decided to be a big loser and take some screencaps from the last NicoNico with Shou, Tora, and Saga. It was SO early in the morning, that it felt like I was drunk and I can't even remember which comments were mine...but I couldn't contain my fangirling XDD I circled what I believe were my comments :)
The first 3 are me fangirling of course, and yes, it's been said now. "COME TO AMERICA"!!! They can understand that, right? The last one I just happen to see and thought it was so funny! "Shou BE HARD" WTFFF? HAHAHA
And these were some pics of the guys. The last part of the show in the little box tends to be the funniest.
Tora puckering up for us <3
Shou and his plushie abuse!! but at least he's keeping a nice beat, ne
mandramoddle? I think I would buy that plushie...*searches for it online*
Saga's glorious ass :DDDD
Tora looking creepy lifting his shades. Why did he write "yoroshiku" in katakana?
Tora's very accurate drawing of "riidaa" Nao-san. I actually happen to catch it when Nao was on the larger screen too :)
And Shou's equally accurate drawing of Hiropon :)
Anyway, yah, I don't know why I'm wasting time on this and not on the guys' valentines. Guess I should scurry off and get on Shou that now. *scurries*