Spent Thanksgiving at my mom's house with
gozarutchi. 'twas great. XD The food was yum, and then the next day, the food was even MORE yum because we went to Panda Palace, and hey...that place is yum. He showed me his new game, Metal Saga. I don't know exactly what it is about the game, it's just some rpg, but I LOVE IT. It's precious. I think we made up like a million inside jokes about it too, and that's always fun. Apupu's on a roll.
I drew quite a bit this weekend. Nothing I'm EXTREMELY proud of, but I suppose I did okay. I fixed Aruku and drew HARE HEAD THE SEX OMG METAL SAGA HOHOHO BUNNEH BUNNEH and it's all good.
I want to send people Christmas cards. :[ Gimme your address, people. Comments will be screened, so no creepy 80-year-old pedophiles will come after you (except for me).
YOU. EVEN YOU. I'M SERIOUS. You think I don't know you all that well, maybe I don't comment much on your entries, but OH I DO SO LOVE YOU. I would have deleted you from my friendslist if I didn't love you in some way. SO LET ME SEND YOU LOVIN'S.
Even you guys that know me in real life, gimme your addresses so I don't have to retrieve 'em later. XD