May 06, 2008 20:58
I dont post on here much, and I probably offer you comments even less, but I'm wondering if you would take the time to read this and reply with whether you're in agreement with me.
I'm going to write about a work incident, now we have different laws in different countries, so while legal advice may be nice, it may not be applicable.
I've been working at my current employer since october 1st, 2007, overall it's a nice place to work, I get my own office, a salary at least in line with the industry standard, lots of annual holiday/vacation time, scope for promotion and training, including further education, and a really good pension.
However I've never seen eye to eye with my line manager, this came to a head earlier, but you'll need a bit of back story.
we're installing a remote monitoring system up in yorkshire, remote is the objective word here, there is no power, so we've set a wind turbine and solar panel solution up to provide the power. I have NO experience with these things, and nor do my line manager or another engineer who I work closely with. The installation was tasked to Ed (the other engineer) and myself, with Phil (my manager) for advice.
As Ed has been busy, a lot of the prep work fell to me to arrange and organise, which I duly did, under supervision of Phil (read loads of pressure) I fell ill a few weeks back which affected the installation date, I had also had a few problems with some circuit design issues prior to that.
The day came around and we managed to get everything installed and working correctly, however we ran late, and I ended up not getting home till 10:15pm myself and Ed travelled in a truck with the equipment, and Phil took a car, he took the car home the night before and travelled directly to site, Ed and I met here at work and travelled up from here. I'm on a flexi time system and because I didnt anticipate coming back to site, I didnt clock in, knowing I can fill an adjustment form in for this type of thing.
we got back to BGS at 8:15pm, Ed dropped me off at the bus stop and went to drop the truck off and collect his car, I realised that the next bus wasn't until 9pm, so I called Fran and had her arrange a taxi for me, then Ed drives past, I manage to flag him down and ask him to drop me at the train station. I call fran and cancel the taxi. My train leaves at 9:16pm and arrives in leicester just before 10pm, rather than wait another 30 minutes for the bus, I grab a taxi and get a reciept. I get home around 10:15.
I go to phil this morning to sign my time off, and he refuses, stating that I can only count up to when I got back to BGS, I told him I didnt go to BGS but he wasnt having it, he told me he got home at 8:30 so I should use that as a rough figure.
Later he says he wants a meeting with us to discuss the lead up to the installation. He's not happy, he says it's not his job to push the installation forward, and that I was 'useless' on the day, he also told me that if he were Alan sugar (our version of Donald Trump on the UK apprentice) then I would be 'fired'
my personal view is that the end justifies the means, we got the job done and he's happy with that
Ed spoke up in my defence a bit, but obviously can't say too much, I wasnt going to argue because Phil does not listen.
Am I right to feel attacked?
Am I right to feel offended?
Ed thinks perhaps someone overhead us grumbling about him and he wanted some payback
I really dont want to work with someone like that, I feel almost close to tears to be honest.... much as my old job wound me up, they never made me feel like dirt the way he did.
I'm glad Ed was there, as he can corroborate my story, I'm thinking of making a complaint, am I right to think that saying he would fire me is unacceptable?
I feel almost like he was warning me.....
whaddya reckon?