How to get this signature...
Infrared Stock Package by usedtoit03 @ DALight Texture by
ullaaaLyrics by The Beatles "She loves you"
Picture of women: I dont know.
First i opened the main picture of the girl and erased the bg with Filter->Extract and add to your (500x200) base.
Dublicate the picture and use Filter->Pixelate->Fragment. Use free transform to make this layer bigger and put it below the first layer.
Add a bg picture under the other layers.
Than make a new layer, select all, edit->stroke with white. big as you like.
Add some text and a light texture if you like.
Coloring? I used some settings i read in
icon_tutorial right here Create a new layer, fill with #ffa9a9, set at Soft Light 100%.
Selective Color layer:
C: -35
M: +15
Y: +100
B: 0
C: -100
M: -60
Y: +100
B: 0
C: 0
M: 0
Y: -100
B: 0
C: -17
M: 0
Y: -100
B: -13
C: -11
M: 0
Y: -11
B: -15
Now a second Selective Color layer.
C: -20
M: 0
Y: 0
B: 0
C: -100
M: 0
Y: 0
B: 0
C: +100
M: 0
Y: +100
B: 0
Now a Hue/Saturation layer.
Hue: 0
Sat: +100
Light: 0
Hue: +20
Sat: 0
Light: 0
those setting was made by
solonbixlerI cant remember if i made some changes. Just see what fits your picture best.
After all was done i flatten the image and dublicate.
Than use Filter->Stylize->Glowing Edges and set to lighten or screen (what looks best)
Move this one a little left, right up or down and erase from face and text.