(no subject)

Jun 30, 2009 14:56

This is going to make me seem like a sappy tree hugger but I guess that's not all that bad.  Anyway, there's this man made pond on Crooks Rd. that I drive by every day and have been for the last 2 years.  There is this family of geese that I've seen each spring in and around the pond with their babies.  Recently they filled in the pond with dirt.  Not really sure why.  Maybe has something to do with the businesses right around it going out of business.  Today when I drove by, the goose family was walking around where the pond used to be eating little bits of grass.  It was kind of depressing.  We take away their natural habitat, create a man made one and then take that away.  I guess the only good thing is that now if they find a new home, it won't be so close to a main road and they'll have less of a chance of getting hit by cars.

I planted my tomato plant in the ground a few weeks ago.  Its doing pretty well.  I think I need to get one of those cone shaped support things for it though.  My oregano fiiiiinally turned in to something other than a cluster of little sprouts.  I think I might actually be able to use it now.  One of the pots of pansies kept getting dug up by squirrels despite my repeated applications of ground red pepper.  I think they destroyed the roots because they all died.  So I planted my marigolds in the pot instead.  I hope they make it!  I also put my cucumber plant in a pot because it wasnt really growing anymore, I think it needed more space to stretch out its root.  I think I also need to put my green beans in the ground, the planter is probably too shallow.  I just need to find a good spot.  The one green bean that was on there was all shriveled up when I checked on them at lunch today.  Yeah, I could have harvested it and eaten it, but can you even say harvest when you only have one green bean?  I mean really.  Harvest makes me think of, well, at least 5 green beans.  At least.  haha.  At least I could put them in a stir fry or something.

And see, there I am back to food again.  Underneath everything, I'm really only thinking about food.
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