(no subject)

May 05, 2009 10:55

Because of the whole Chrysler thing, everyone at work is pretty on edge.  And its understandable.  They are one of our big clients and they owe us a lot of money.  I think everyone is a little concerned for their job.  But really, who in Michigan isnt?  So I'm just trying to keep to myself and stay out of everyone's way so as not to incite their anger.  I have started applying for jobs in Chicago though.  It would be amazing to hear back from any one of them.  I decided to cancel the summer design/web class I was going to be taking at OCC because there's a high probability I wont be around the entire summer to finish it and that seems like a waste of money.  Since my grandma was the one who helped me pay for the class, I offered to give her the money back but she said I could keep it and use it for moving expenses or classes in the future (which I plan on taking).  So that was nice of her.

This week is shaping up to be pretty great so far.  Last night I tried step aerobics and I ended up really enjoying it.  I had gone to one classs about a year ago with a different instructor and I couldnt follow him at all and I hated every minute of it.  But I tried it with a different person last night and she was really nice and encouraging and I actually had fun.  Oh yeah, and sweat approximately 2.7 gallons.  Ok, that's an exaggeration.  And we did a little 10 minute ab workout at the end that was really good and I was already sore from kickboxing the day before.  Wednesday is The Sounds concert at St. Andrew's which I am really looking forward to.  No clue who is opening though.  Doors are at 7, I plan to arrive at 8.  Then Saturday is mine and Abby's birthday party!!  I'm already planning what I'm going to cook/bake for the event.  So far I'm planning on making two batched of cupcakes, zucchini bread, hummus, orange almond cookies and vegetarian egg rolls.  I'm sure Abby will make a thing or two as well.  I'm going to have to start on Friday if I plan on getting it all done!  Its going to be great though.  Of this, I am certain.  May always kind of turns in to a birthday month, which is pretty fantastic, so I plan on enjoying every minute of my last Michigan birthday.  Granted, I cant say that will full certainty, but I'm 90% sure, dependant on the success of my job search.  If health care weren't a concern, there's a lot of part time jobs I've found that would be pretty great.  Damned health insurance, I wish it were more affordable to just buy your own.  And emergency coverage wont do me a lick of good since I seem to be quickly falling apart and the ripe old age of 23.  And $40/month for birth control with no insurance?  Fuck that.

Man, I'm hungry.  I've been craving tempeh spaghetti for days.  Maybe I should actually make it.  And I need to stop eating so much pizza, its cancelling out all of my exercising!  I really need to find a salad I like.  Just something that I can get at a resturaunt that isnt drowning in cheese.  I've had an urge to go swimming lately but I dont know of any pools that I can go to.  But I did finally get a new swimsuit so swimming without vast embarassment is actually feasible now.

Ok, time to eat a banana.
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